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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
‘Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!' The French Revolution and the Birth of the Republic 10
“The Quest for Peace and Justice:” Pacifism and Peace Activism in Twentieth Century America 10
A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Biomedicine, part A 1
A Europe that serves and protects: the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5
A Francophone Maghreb? 5
A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Biomedicine, part B 1
A Successful Democracy: The History of the Federal Republic of Germany 10
A taste of antiquity: ancient food and foodways 10
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Academic development (Educational line) 5
Academic Skills I Pre-Master 5
Academic Skills: Data Analysis 5
Academic Skills: Research Design 5
Academic Writing 5
Academic writing (AWR) 2
Academic Year in Japan B 25
Academic Year in Japan C 5
Academische Vaardigheden: Data-analyse 5
Academische Vaardigheden: Onderzoeksontwerp 5
Academische Vorming 3 1
Accenttentamen Moderne Letterkunde 5
Accenttentamen Nederlandse Taalkunde 5
Accenttentamen Oudere Letterkunde 5
Accenttentamen Taalbeheersing 5
Actuele juridische zaken en vraagstukken 5
Ad fontes. Sources for Early Modern History 5
Administrative Ethics 5
Administrative Law 5
Administrative Law (Ba) 5
Adoptie en pleegzorg in pedagogisch perspectief 5
Advanced Activities Bachelor Research Project 6
Advanced Fetal and Neonatal Care 15
Advanced Geographic Information Systems 5
Advanced Korean Reading 10
Advanced measure theory (BM) 6
Advanced Modern Chinese Listening & Speaking 1 5
Advanced Modern Chinese Reading & Writing 1 5
Advanced Optical Imaging (Delft) 6
Advanced Political Economy 5
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods 5
Advanced Reading & Writing in Japanese 1 (120 EC) 10
Advanced Reading & Writing in Japanese 1 (60 EC) 10
Advanced Readings in Sanskrit Literature 10
Aerospace Law 5
Aesthetics 5
Africa and Europe: Entangled Pasts and Presents 5
Africa from Zero to Now 5
Africa History & Anthropology BA3: 10
African History and Anthropology 2: Media and Power 10
Akzentprüfung Ältere deutsche Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft 5