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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Old Church Slavic Language and Culture 5
Old Egyptian 5
Onderwijs: wetenschap en praktijk 5
Onderwijskundige diagnostiek 5
Onderzoek naar Recht in de Samenleving. Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar het recht (5 ec) + mogelijkheid aanvullend deelvak (5 ec) 5
Onderzoeksgeschiedenis van Religiewetenschappen 5
Onderzoeksproject 5/20
Online Marketing 5
Ontwerp en synthese 4
Ontwikkelen van krachtige leeromgevingen 5
Ontwikkelingstraject geneesmiddelen 10
Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken in de Internationale Politiek 5
Operating Systems 6
Optional Courses (MA History) 10
Oral and Written Literature in Africa BA 3: Manuscripts, Memory and Oral Delivery 5
Oral Examination on the Departmental Reading List 5
Oral History 5
Oral Literature: Research in Living Traditions 5
Oral Proficiency: presentation and debating - Language Acquisition II 5
Oral Traditions of South and Southeast Asia 5
Ordering the universe: Globalization and a changing worldorder in the early modern world 10
Organ transplantation 5
Organic Chemistry 2 (LST) 6
Organic Chemistry 2 (MST) 6
Organische Chemie 2 5
Orientatie op onderwijs 6
Orientation on Biodiversity 9
Orientation on Biodiversity and Sustainability 2
Orientation on Evolutionary Biology 2
Orientation on From Cells to Organisms 2
Orientation on Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology 2
Origin and Development of Criminal Behaviour 5
Origin and Structure of the Standard Model 3
Origins of human anatomy, physiology and behaviour 9
Osteology 5
Other approved electives 1-6
Ottoman Turkish (Fall) 10
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Ottoman Turkish 2 5
Ouderen 11
Oudhoogduits 5
Palaeography of the Greek Papyri and Edition Technique of Papyrus Documents 5
Palaeolithic Archaeology 5
Palmtrees, sulphur and rebels. Life at the Dead Sea in Antiquity 10
Paragone: conflict en samenwerking tussen woord en beeld 10
Partial Differential Equations (MM) 8
Party Politics in Latin America 10
Past, Present and Future: The Philosophy of Time 10
Patiënt en Apotheker 11
Patterns, Chaos and Bifurcations (BM) 6