
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Counter-Objectivities: Philosophy after the Object 10
Course on Laboratory Animal Science 4
Creative Writing: Four crucial Choices 5
Creative Writing: Het Verrassende Nut van Fictie 5
Crime and Migration 5
Criminal Procedure 10
Criminological Research in Practice 10
CRiP - Advanced Concepts in Epidemiology 1
CRiP - Using R for data analysis 1
Critical Approaches to Heritage Studies 5
Critical Thinking, Critical Writing 5
Culture as Soft Power in Morocco 5
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History I 10
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History II 10
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History III 10
Cybercrime 5
Data Science 5
De esthetica van recht en politiek. Nietzsche en Heidegger 5
De Lens van Van Leeuwenhoek: Nederlandse wetenschapsgeschiedenis in verhalen en museumcollecties 5
De wereld van Sheherazade: cultuurgeschiedenis van de middeleeuwse islam 5
Democratic Consolidations and Erosion 10
Democratie in Stad en Dorp 10
Demotic Papyrology I 10
Development and Poverty Reduction 10
Dialogues in Past and Present: Human interaction and the construction of meaning 5
Differentiable manifolds 2 (BM) 6
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Diplomacy and Publicity: European Peace Conferences and Publicity in the Dutch Republic 10
Diversity and Early Modern Empires: an Economic and Social Perspective 10
Diversity: Conflict & Consensus 10
Doing REAL research: discover your research talents 5
Dutch East India Company embassies to Asian courts, 1600-1800 10
Dutch Politics in Comparative Perspective 5
Echo, influence or plagiarism? Dutch literature in global perspective 5
Economic and Consumer Psychology 10
Economics of the EU 5
Editorial and Curatorial Training Programme 10
Effectief besturen door het vergroten van je persoonlijke vaardigheden 5
Elective (Honours Class from Honours Academy Pool) 5
Elective courses 16 total
Elliptic Curves (MM) 8
Enhancing a rule of law culture in practical ways 5
Environmental Criminology 5
Environmental Philosophy 10
Ergodic Theory and Fractals (BM) 6
Erzählungen der deutschen Romantik 5/10
Essential Readings in Economic History 10
EU Law 5
EU Seminar 0
Evolution and Engineering of Living Systems (Delft) 6