
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Biophysics 6
Biophysics and Bioengineering for Pharmaceutical Sciences 4
Black Holes and Gravitational Waves 3
Blood-Brain Barrier: Drug Transport to the Brain 4
Book exam 6
Brazil in the Portuguese Speaking World: Political and Cultural Dynamics 10
BRIC: Emerging Powers and Changing Global Relations 10
Bridging Theory and Practice 5
Burgerlijk Procesrecht (Ma) 5
Business and Labour Rights 5
Business Intelligence 4
Business Internship 20/30/40
C) Profileringsvak: English Contract Law 5
Can the Subaltern Write: China’s Migrant Worker Culture 10
Can the Subaltern Write: China’s Migrant Worker Culture (ResMA) 10
CANCELLED: Child and Education 5
Cantare gli eroi: sviluppi del poema epico-cavalleresco rinascimentale 10
Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics 4
Capita Selecta Company Law 5
Capita Selecta Corporation Tax 5
Capita Selecta of European Law - Privatissimum 10
Capital Markets 5
Capitalism, Revolution and War: The Making of the Modern World Order 10
Capstone Cases 3
Cardiometabolic disease 6
Case Studies in Cyber Security 5
Causation in the Natural and Social Sciences 10
Cell adhesion signaling in health and disease 4
Centraal Zenuwstelsel 12
Change Management and Leadership 5
Chemical Biology (CB) 6
Chemical Biology, Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 6
Chemical Immunology (CHI) 6
Chemistry and Physics of Solids (CPS) 6
Child abuse and neglect: neurobiological aspects and intervention 5
Child And Family In Private International Law 5
Child and Internet 5
Child care, experts, and parents: historical trends 5
Child Neuropsychology: Clinical Practice of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5
Child Neuropsychology: Theory and Assessment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5
Child Protection And Children's Rights 5
Child Protection and Youth Care 5
Children In The Justice System 5
Children's Rights And Digital Technologies 5
Children’s Rights 5
Children’s Rights from an International Comparative Perspectiv 5
Chile Visiting Chair 2020 10
China and Global Cyberspace 10
China and Global Cyberspace (ResMA) 10
China-Africa Relations in a Changing Global Order 10