
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Effective Field Theory 3
Effects of (disruptive) technology on administration and management 5
Egypt in Late Antiquity 10
Egyptian Temple Inscriptions of the Graeco-Roman Period 10
Egyptology in the Field: Research and Facilities in Egypt 15
Elections in Emerging Democracies 10
Elective (see below) 5
Elective (see below) 5
Elective (see below) 5
Elective (see below) 5
Elective (see below) 5
Elective (see below) 5
Elective MA Literary Studies 10
Elective MA Literary Studies (track Italian) 10
Electives Research Master 30
Electrical Interactions in the Heart: From Disease to Treatment 4
Electrochemistry and Bioelectrochemistry (EBE) 6
Electronic Communications Law 5
Embedded Systems and Software 6
EMOS Core Module 12
Emotions and (Ir)rationality in Economic Behaviour 5
Energy Transitions in Past & Future 10
Enforcement & Litigation 5
Enforcement and Dispute Resolution 5
Enforcement And Monitoring of Children's Rights 10
Enforcement strategies 10
English Historical Linguistics 10
English Word Formation 10
Entrepreneurship 3
Environmental History of the Near East 5
Environmental Input-Output Analysis 6
Environmental Psychology 5
Enzyme dynamics: NMR spectroscopy and kinetics (EDNMR) 6
Epigraphy 10
Epigraphy 10
Epistemology of Archaeology 5
Epistemology: Contemporary Debates 10
Erzählungen der deutschen Romantik 10
Essay & Colloquium 6
Essay Quality Control/Quality Assurance 7
Essentials in Art & Music 2
Essentials of EU Law 5
Ethics (Law) 5
Ethics & Digital Technologies 5
Ethics and Economics 10
Ethics in Quality Control Practices 1
Ethics of War 10
Ethnographic Fieldwork 20
EU and Energy Policy 5
EU Environmental Policy and Law 5