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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Governance and Political Culture in the Dutch Republic 5
Governance of Biodiversity and Ecosystems 12
Governance of Cities and Citizens 5
Governance of Climate Change and Energy Transition 12
Governance of Materials and Circular Economy 12
Governance of Migration and Diversity 5
Governance of Security 5
Governance of Water and Toxicity 12
Governing Science, Society and Expertise 5
Graduation Lab 1
Graduation Project 30
Grammaire et vocabulaire I 5
Grammaire et vocabulaire II 5
Grammar Modern Hebrew 3 5
Grammar/Writing - Language Acquisition II 5
Grammatica – Taalvaardigheid II 5
Grande Finale: Capstone projects 5
Great Books 5/10
Great Books 5/10
Great Books: Nietzsche 5
Great Cases 5
Great Debates in Political Science (The Hague, Fall) 5
Great Debates in Political Science - Fall 5
Great Debates in Political Science - Spring 5
Great Debates in Political Science (The Hague, Spring) 5
Greek and Roman Philosophy 5
Greek linguistics 5
Greek Paleography 1 5
Greek Paleography 2 5
Greek Papyrology 10
Greek poetry: drama 5
Greek poetry: Homer 5
Greek prose: Herodotus 5
Grieks proza: Plato 5
Griekse literatuurgeschiedenis en pensum 5
Grote Boeken uit de literatuur van de middeleeuwen en de vroegmoderne tijd 5
Group Dynamics 5
Group Dynamics (IBP) 5
Guest writer 5
H) Specialized course Civil Family Law 5
Hacking the Humanities: An Introduction to Digital Humanities and Text Mining 5
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde 5
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde 10
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde (ResMA) 10
Hands-On: Reflective Game Development in Action 10
Hardware & Physical Computing 3
Hart- en Vaatziekten 11
HC Bèta & Life Science - Individual Track 30
Health & Development: HIV/AIDS in Africa 5
Health and Environment 5