
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Evidence based Cognitive Enhancement (ECE) 5
Evolutiebiologie 1 2
Evolutiebiologie 2 7
Evolution and Engineering of Living Systems (Delft) 6
Evolutionary Algorithms 6
Excellentie voor de Klas 5
Exceptional violence 5
Exchange courses Dutch Studies 30 ec 30
Exchange courses Dutch Studies 60 ec 60
Excursies Flora & Fauna 2
Excursion seminar Rome 10
Excursions Morocco 5
Exhibition Research Lab 6
Exhibition: Science to Experience 12
Existentialism 10
Exo-planets: Interiors and Atmospheres 3
Experimental and Correlational Research 5
Experimental Archaeology 5
Experimental Clinical Psychology 5
Experimental Methods I: Design & Techniques 5
Experimental Methods II: Practicals & Projects 5
Experimental Phonetics 10
Experimental Phonetics (BA) 5
Experimental Projects 6
Experimentation I: Programming Psychological Experiments 5
Experimentation II: Neuroscientific Research Methods 5
Experimentele Natuurkunde deel I 3
Experimentele Natuurkunde deel II 3
Explanatory Criminology Lab 5
Exploratory Data Analysis in Archaeology 5
Exploring a Personal Approach in Writing 3
Exploring Africa 10
Exploring Archival Sources 5
Exploring the Past in the Digital Present 5
Expression écrite 5
Expression et compréhension orales I 5
Expression et compréhension orales II 5
Expression et compréhension orales III 5
Extended Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 5
Extension BA Thesis 3
Extension Student Research Project 3
External Economic Relations 5
Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariële studentstage 5
Extremism in a Global Context 10
F) Specialised Course: Rent Law 5
Factchecken 5
Family Law 5
Family Law and the position of minors 5
Farmaceutische Technologie 5
Farmacie en Kwaliteit 4