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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
From the Cradle to the Grave: Life and Death in the Ancient Greek World 5
From the Pilgrims to the Present: An Introduction to American Studies 5
From the Pilgrims to the Present: An Introduction to American Studies (Minor/Pre-master) 10
From the traveling (post)colonial library 5
From Welfare through Work to Work without Welfare? Japan’s Changing Welfare Regime in Global and Regional Comparison 10
From Welfare through Work to Work without Welfare? Japan’s Changing Welfare Regime in Global and Regional Comparison (ResMA) 10
Frontiers of Measurement Techniques 3
Frugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
Frugal Innovation and Technology 3
Frugal Innovation for Development 4
Frugal Innovation in Practice 15
Functional analysis seminar 6
Functional Genomics: from Genotype to Phenotype 5
Fundamental Rights & Digital Technologies 5
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence 5
Fundamentals of Digital Systems Design 6
Fundamentals of Population Health Management 5
Fundamentals of Quantum Information 4
Fundamenten 5
Funduqs, Vitten, Factories. Merchant Communities and the Organisation of International Trade until 1600 10
Future Foresight: How to See the Future Coming 5
Future perspectives 1
Fysiologie 6
Fysiologie van ADME 4
Galaxies and Cosmology 5
Galaxies: structure, dynamics and evolution 6
Game Analysis 10
Gateway to Global Affairs 5
Geavanceerde Onderwerpen in de Besliskunde (BM) variabel
Gedeeld onderwijs: keuzevak bij Japanstudies, Koreastudies of South and Southeast Asia Studies 5
Gedeeld onderwijs: keuzevak bij Koreastudies, Chinastudies of South and Southeast Asia Studies 5
Gedeeld onderwijs: keuzevak bij Koreastudies, Chinastudies of South and Southeast Asia Studies (LET OP: deze vakken beginnen al in blok 3) 5
Gedragsbiologie 1 1
Gedragsbiologie 2 6
Gender / genre: New Approaches to the Human in Critical and Cultural Theory 10
Gender & Development 5
Gender and Race in Historical International Relations 10
Gender and the Urban Experience, 1600-1850 10
Gender in Korea 5
Gender, Race, Intersectionality and Law 5
Gender, Race, Intersectionality and Law 5
Gender, Sexuality, Migration Since 1960 10
General and Inorganic Chemistry (AAC) 6
General History of the Contemporary Time (AGC) 5
General Introduction to Art in China 5
General Principles of Tax Law 5
General Understanding of Comparative Tax Law 5
Géneros Populares en la cultura latinoamericana (LK5) 5
Genome (in)stability, cancer and ageing 6
Genomic Architecture 6