
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Master Internship: Heritage and Museum 5
Master Literary Studies, master thesis French Literature and Culture 20
Master Project: Research 25
Master Project: Thesis 5
Master research project 20-40
Master Scriptie Educatie in de Taal- en Cultuurwetenschappen 15
Master Thesis Archaeological Science 20
Master Thesis European Politics and Society 30
Master Thesis Global Archaeology 20
Master Thesis Heritage and Museum Studies 20
Master Thesis in MSc. Psychology 20
Master Thesis in Research Master Psychology (20EC) 20
Master Thesis in Research Master Psychology (25, DP) 25
Master Thesis in Research Master Psychology (25EC, CHP) 25
Master Thesis in Research Master Psychology (25EC, CNS) 25
Master Thesis in Research Master Psychology (25EC, SEP) 25
Master Thesis Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media 20
Master Thesis Project CADS 15
Master thesis, Master Literary Studies, track Literature in Society 20
Master Thesis: Comparative Criminal Justice 10
Master Thesis: Forensic Criminology 20
Master Thesis: Governance of Migration and Diversity 10
Master Thesis: Safety Policy and Law Enforcement 20
Master's project 20
Master's Thesis Project - Business Orientation 30
Master's Thesis Project - Research & Development Orientation 44
Master's Thesis Public Administration 20
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS & SCS/EDU) 30
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS) 42
MasterMinds Challenge 2 2
Masterminds Challenge C2012 2
Masterpieces of Cinema I 5
Material Culture of Ancient Egypt 5
Material Culture, Heritage and Memory along the Silk Roads in Central Asia 10
Material Culture, Heritage and Memory along the Silk Roads in Central Asia (ResMA) 10
Material Culture, Heritage, Museums in the Koreas 5
Material Flow Analysis I 5
Material Flow Analysis II 5
Material Studies 1 5
Material Studies 2 5
Maternal & Child Health 5
Mathematical Methods of Physics 6
Mathematical Modeling 5
Mathematical Reasoning 5
Mathematical Statistics 6
Mathematics for statisticians 3
Matrimonial Property Law 10
Maya Archaeology 5
Measurement and Instrumentation (TU Delft) 5