
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Negotiation and Conflict Management (EN) - SEM 2 5
Negotiation and Conflict Management (NL) 5
Negotiation and Mediation 5
Negotiation and Social Decision Making 5
Negotiations and Conflict Resolution 5
Negotiations in the European Union 10
Negotiations LAB 5
Negotiations LAB 5
Neolithisation in West Asia 5
Netherlands Asia Honours Summer School (NAHSS) 5
Network Security 5
Networking (TU Delft) 5
Neural Computing 6
Neurobiologische achtergronden van opvoeding en ontwikkeling 6
Neurobiologische achtergronden van opvoeding en ontwikkeling (Pre-master) 5
Neurochemistry 5
Neurocognition 5
Neurolinguistics 5
Neuromodulation of Cognition 5
Neuroscience (Clinical assessment and treatment) 5
New Frontiers in Africanist Research 10
New Latin American Feminisms 10
New Media & Society 10
New Religions 5
Nietzsche and Law 10
Nietzsche and Post-Nietzschean Aesthetics 10
Nitrogen and Sustainability 3
NLP for the Humanities 5
Non-human Cognition 4
Non-Western Diplomacy: The Case of Asia 5
Northwest Semitic Epigraphy: Hebrew and Moabite inscriptions 10
Notarial Case Law 5
Notarial Legislation 5
Novel chemical modalities in drug discovery 4
Novel Concepts in Molecular Pharmacology 4
Numerical Recipes in Astrophysics a 6
Numerical Recipes in Astrophysics b 3
Numerical Techniques (NT) 3
Numerieke Wiskunde 6
Nutrition and Public Health 5
Objects of Heritage, Archives and Knowledge. Critical Approaches 10
Observational Cosmology 3
Observeren van gedrag en interactie 5
Oefenonderzoek 5
Oefenonderzoek Academische Pabo 3
Offenders 5
Offenders of Cybercrime 5
OIKOS Reading List Greek/Latin variable
OIKOS seminar: Neo-Latin Literature: Augustus, the Augustan Era and its Renaissance Reception 10
Oil, Waste and Water: Environmental Issues in the Middle East and North Africa (ResMA) 10