
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Portuguese 1 10
Portuguese 1 Beginners 10
Portuguese 1 minor 10
Portuguese 2 10
Portuguese 2 Minor Tweedetaalverwerving 5
Portuguese 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Portuguese 3 10
Portuguese 3 Intermediate 5
Post-Soviet Wars: Economic Collapses and Their Violent Consequences 10
Postcolonial World 10
Postwar: Life after Conflict 10
Power and Resistance 10
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East 10
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East (ResMA) 10
Power in World Politics 5
Power Instruments 5
Practical Judgement 10
Practical Philosophy: Contemporary Debates 10
Practicals Microbial biotechnology 4
Practice of empirical research 5
Practicum Biofarmacie en -fysica 4
Practicum Blended Learning 5
Practicum Cellulaire Biochemie 5
Practicum Child Law 10
Practicum Financial Law 10
Practicum Labour Law 10
Practicum Law and Digital Technologies 5
Practicum Ontwerp en Synthese 2
Practicum wetenschappelijk schrijven 3
Practicum: Civil Law 10
Practicum: Corporate Litigation 5
Practicum: Criminal Law Enforcement and Procedure 10
Practicum: History of Legal and Moral Philosophy (subject to changes) 10
Practising International Studies 10
Practising Japanese Studies 5
Practising Religious Studies 10
Pragmatics: speakers, hearers and meanings 10
Praktijk van kwalitatief onderzoek 2
Praktijkoriëntatie 3
Praktijkstage 5/10
Praktische Onderzoeksvaardigheden 0
Praktische pedagogiek: het vertalen van wetenschap naar praktijk 5
Praktische Sterrenkunde 6
Pre-Intermediate Hebrew 10
Pre-Intermediate Turkish 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Film and Photographic Studies 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Journalism and New Media 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Linguistics 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Literary Studies 10
Pre-master onderzoeksproject 10