
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Sufism: History, Religion and Material Culture 5
Sumerian 2: Gudea 5
Sumerian 3: Literary Texts 5
Superconductivity 3
Supramolecular Chemistry (SUP) 6
Surface Science for Heterogeneous Catalysis (SSHC) 6
Surinamese Political History: A Special Case of Shared History? 10
Survey Methodology 6
Survival analysis 6
Survival Analysis a counting process approach 6
Surviving The Delta 5
Sustainability Analysis in Python (5EC) 5
Sustainability Analysis in Python (6EC) 6
Sustainability and Health 4
Sustainability Challenge (MSc GofS) 10
Sustainability Challenge (MSc IE) 10
Sustainability in Practice 8
Sustainability, Power and Place 6
Sustainable Chemical Industry based on Non-Fossil Feedstocks 4
Sustainable City Lecture Series 5
Sustainable Development in International Law 5
Sustainable Development: Big Issues New Answers 15
Sustainable Finance 5
Sustainable Health Ecosystems: Integrated and Preventative Neighborhood Approaches for a Healthy Society 3
Swahili 1 Beginners 10
Swahili 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Swahili 3 Intermediate 5
Swahili I 10
Swahili II 10
Swahili III 5
Swahili Libraries and Indigenous Heritage 5
Symbolic AI 6
Syndemics 5
Syntax 1 5
Syntax 2 5
Synthetic Organic Chemistry 5
Systeembiologie 3
System and Software Security 6
System Design for Industrial Ecology 5
Systematics and Biodiversity 6
Systems Engineering (TU Delft) 5
Systems Microbiology 6
Systems Optimisation 3
Taal en communicatie 5
Taal sociaal 5
Taalkunde en Retorica 5
Taaltoets (Criminologie)
Taaltoets (Juridische Opleidingen)
Tachtig jaar oorlog. Nieuwe perspectieven op de Nederlandse Opstand 5
Tackling Inequalities 10