
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Functional Genomics: from Genotype to Phenotype 5
Fundamentals of Digital Systems Design 6
Fundamentals of Population Health Management 5
Galaxies and Cosmology 5
Game Analysis: Studying and Sharing Play Experiences 10
Gateway to Global Affairs 5
Gender / Genre: New Approaches to the Human in Critical and Cultural Theory 10
General Introduction to Art in China 5
Géneros Populares en la cultura latinoamericana 5
Genomic Architecture 6
Geo-Economics 5
Geschichte und Erinnerung in Deutschland 5
Global and European Labour Law 10
Global Christianity 5
Global Crossings Brazil and cultural dialogues in the Portuguese-speaking world LK4A 5
Global Health (NL) 15
Global History 5
Global Political Economy 5
Global Security 5
Good Research Practices 5
Gothic 5
Governance and Digitalisation 5
Governance of Cities and Citizens 5
Governing a Global World 5
Governing China 5
Great Works of Medieval and Early Modern Literature 5
Greek Papyrology 10
Green Chemistry 4
Group Dynamics 5
Group Project in Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology 7
Guest writer 5
Hardware and Physical Computing 3
Health and ageing 3
Health and Medical Psychology 10
Health Psychology: From Research to Practice 5
Health, Ageing and Society 15
Healthy City Lecture Series 5
Heart and Blood Vessels 15
Hebrew Literature: Prophets at work: Hosea and Amos 5
Heritage Protection in the 21st Century 5
Heritage Research: Methods and Approaches 5
Het Italië van pausen, keizers en steden (cultuurkunde) 5
High Performance Computing 6
High-dimensional data analysis 6
Hindi 3 10
Hindi 4 10
Hindi Literature 10
Hindu Myths in the Art of South and Southeast Asia 5
Historical Grammar of Greek 5
Historical Grammar of Sanskrit 5