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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Thematic course 2: Biodiversity and Ecosystems 12
Thematic course 3: Climate Change and Energy Transition 12
Thematic course 4: Water and Toxicity 12
Thematic fields: Linking theory to research practice 10
Thematic Seminar I 5
Thematic Seminar II 10
Thematic Seminar: Art, Literature, and Law - Nomos and Paranomos 10
Thematic Seminar: Authoritarian Politics 10
Thematic Seminar: Cultures of Consumption 10
Thematic Seminar: Decolonization and Global Governance 10
Thematic Seminar: Disobedience 10
Thematic Seminar: Emerging Economies: Policy and Problems of Growth and Development 10
Thematic Seminar: Emerging Economies: The Rise of the Giants and its Global Implication 10
Thematic Seminar: Ethics of Development - Decolonization, Justice, and Ecological Challenges 10
Thematic Seminar: Food Agriculture and Rights 10
Thematic Seminar: Human Rights and Language 10
Thematic Seminar: International Human Rights: History, Politics, and Economics 10
Thematic Seminar: Migration and the European Union 10
Thematic Seminar: Multinational Corporations, Technology, and the Emerging Economies 10
Thematic Seminar: Organized crime, violence and the State in Latin America 10
Thematic Seminar: Philosophy of Climate Change 10
Thematic Seminar: Plastic, Environment and Society 10
Thematic Seminar: Political Ecologies of Food 10
Thematic Seminar: Religions ‘On the Move’: the Case of Global Buddhism 10
Thematic Seminar: Religions in the Modern World 10
Thematic Seminar: Social Criticism in the 21st Century 10
Thematic Seminar: The Linguistic Lens: How Language Influences our Perception of the World 10
Thematic Seminar: The Ugly: Politics and Aesthetics of Taste 10
Thematic Seminar: Waging War - Cultural Approaches 10
Thematic Seminar: War in the 21st Century 10
Thematic Seminar: What's Going On? Analyzing the Conjuncture in Times of Systemic Crisis 10
Themaweek AI & Technologie 3
Themaweek Gezondheidszorg en Beroepsoriëntatie 3
Themes and Approaches to Korean Studies 10
Themes in Arabic Literature: Bandits and Outlaws 10
Themes in Arabic Literature: Bandits and Outlaws, Fact and Fiction (ResMA) 10
Themes in Sociolinguistics: Speakers' choices across the globe 10
Theoretical Approaches to Modernities in Latin America 10
Theoretical Chemistry (TC) 6
Theoretical Criminology 10
Theoretical Perspectives and Interdisciplinarity in African Studies 10
Theories and Methods of Middle Eastern Studies 10
Theory and Practice: Anthropotechnics 10
Theory of Condensed Matter 6
Theory of General Relativity 6
Theory of Spectroscopy and Molecular Properties (TSMP) 6
Theory Seminar: Future Cities, Urban Pasts 5
Therapeutic Modulation of Atherosclerosis 5
Thermodynamics of Life Processes 6
Thesis 15