
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Beginner's Hebrew 10
Beginner's Turkish 10
Beginners Course 1A - Language Acquisition I 0
Behavioral Economics 5
Behaviour Training with Children 5
Behavioural Change Approaches to Cybersecurity 10
Behavioural Economic Insights 5
Behavioural Interventions for a Healthy Society 3
Beleid 3: Beleidsevaluatie 5
Beleidsimplementatie en -evaluatie 5
Beowulf and Beyond: An Early Medieval Poem and Its Modern Adaptations 10
Bestuurskundig onderzoek (NL Premaster) 5
Between Conflict and Consensus: the Development of the Dutch Poldermodel from the late 19th century 10
Bewustzijn 5
Beyond Discipline and Place in the Social Sciences and the Humanities 0
Beyond Games: Ludic Culture in a Comparative, Intermedia Perspective 5
Beyond the Boundaries of Healthcare 5
Beyond the Threat 5
Beyond-growth (3EC) 3
Beyond-growth (5EC) 5
Biblical Aramaic: Daniel 10
Big Data: Philosophical Perspectives on the Algorithmic Turn 5
Bijzonder Straf(proces)recht 5
Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Portuguese speaking world (TK4) 5
Bio- en Neuropsychologie 5
Bio-Modeling 6
Bioanalyse van Geneesmiddelen 6
Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry 4
Bioarchaeology 5
Biochemie 6
Biochemie 1 3
Biochemie 1 practicum 3
Biochemistry (BCH) 6
Biochemistry (for bioinformatics) 4
Biochemistry 2 (LST) 3
Biodiversiteit 6
Biodiversiteit Dier 4
Biodiversiteit Plant 6
Biodiversiteit Plant (7EC) 7
Biodiversity and Society 6
Biofarmacie en -fysica 6
Bioinformatics, data analysis 4
Bioinformatics, structure analysis 4
Bioinorganic Catalysis (BIOC) 6
Biological and Biomedical Informatics 6
Biological Data Sharing 3
Biological Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 6
Biological Underpinnings of Psychopathology 5
Biologie van het Organisme Dier 4
Biologie van het Organisme Plant 2