
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Advanced Statistical Computing 3
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics I: Modern Methods in Theoretical Physics 6
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics II: Emergent field theories 6
Astronomical Relativity 6
Astronomical Spectroscopy 3
Astronomy from Space 3
Bioinorganic Catalysis (BIOC) 6
Biophysics 6
Biophysics and Bioengineering for Pharmaceutical Sciences 4
Chemistry and Physics of Solid Materials 6
Chemistry and Physics of Solids (CPS) 6
Computational Astrophysics 6
Computational Physics (3 EC) 3
Computational Physics (6 EC) 6
Condensed Matter Physics 6
Cross-domain chromatin organisation (CDC) 4
Density Functional Theory in Practice (DIP) 6
Detection of Light a 3
Detection of Light b 3
Diffusie 3
Dynamics of Molecule-Surface Reactions (DST) 6
Econophysics 6
Electives 3d year Physics and Astronomy (see tab: Electives) 30
Electrochemistry and Bioelectrochemistry (EBE) 6
Elektrische en Magnetische Velden 5
Experimentele Natuurkunde deel I 3
Fysica van Moderne Technologie 3
Genome organization and maintenance in cancer and aging (GCA) 6
Heterogeneous Catalysis (HET) 6
High Contrast Imaging 3
In-vivo biomolecular interactions underlying diseases (IBID) 6
Introduction to Astrophysics 4
Introduction to Solid State Physics 3
Keerpunten in de Geschiedenis van de Natuurwetenschappen 6
Klassieke Mechanica a 5
Magnetic Resonance Phenomena 6
Mathematical Methods of Physics 6
Metaphysics 5
Metaphysics 5
Modern Physics Research 2
Molecular Biophysics 4
Molecular Physics 4
On being a Scientist 3
Optica 5
Particle Physics and Early Universe 3
Physics 5
Physics and chemistry for biodynamic modeling 6
Physics Experiments 1 3
Physics Experiments 2 5
Physics Experiments 3 2