
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Distributed Data Processing Systems 6
Diversity Linguistics: Africa, Asia and the Americas 10
Doing the Most Good: Effective Altruism and International Relations 5
Dramatic Media 10
Drug Delivery 4
Dutch cultural history: Dutch-Indies literature 5
Dutch Debates – Topical Questions in Dutch Society, Culture I 5
Dutch Media and Society 5
Dutch Painting 1400 – 1950: Introduction to the Art History of the Netherlands, Cultuurwetenschap I 5
Dutch parliamentary democracy 5
Dying and Grieving: A Cultural History of Death 5
Dynamical Systems (MM) 8
Dynamical systems seminar (BM) 6
Dynamics and Chaos 6
Dynamics of Molecule-Surface Reactions (DST) 6
Early Anatolians 10
Echo, influence or plagiarism? Dutch literature in global perspective 5
Ecological imperialism in Africa 10
Economic Policy in the EU 5
Economic Processes in Latin America 5
Economies of South and Southeast Asia 5
Economies of the Middle East 5
Econophysics 6
Effective Field Theory 3
Egyptische Epigrafie 5
Elective course of 3 EC 3
Elective course of 6 EC 6
Elective MA Literary Studies German 10
Electives 3d year Physics and Astronomy (see tab: Electives) 30
Electric and Magnetic Fields 5
Electrochemistry (ELE) 6
Elliptic Curves (MM) 8
Embedded Systems and Software 6
Emotion and Cognition 5
English-Language Popular Culture 5
Entrepreneurial Finance 5
Entrepreneurial Finance 3
Entrepreneurship 3
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Environmental Psychology 5
Enzyme dynamics: NMR spectroscopy and kinetics (EDNMR) 6
Epistemology 5
Epistemology 5
Ergodic Theory and Fractals (BM) 6
Essay & Colloquium 6
Essentials in Art and Music 3
Ethics (Philosophy) 5
Ethnographies of Contemporary Taiwan 10
EU Internal Market Law 5
Europe in Practice 5