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Religion in a Changing World

Religion is everywhere. Knowledge of religion is essential for anyone who wants to understand the world. If you are fascinated by the diversity of religions, their development throughout history and their meaning today – both in people’s personal lives and in society – the minor Religion in a Changing World is the right choice as a supplement to your major.

This minor includes mandatory and elective courses and is designed to acquaint students with the tools essential for studying, interpreting, and analysing religion as a human phenomenon. The first mandatory course, Religion in the World, provides an introductory survey of religion as a human cultural endeavour from prehistory to the present and from a global perspective. The second mandatory course, Comparative Religion, introduces the method of comparison and the development of theory in the study of religion. Students then choose two electives focusing on specific religious traditions (e.g. Islam, Buddhism, Hindu religions etc.) or broader themes (e.g. politics, media, education, etc.), as well as one of two courses exploring a social scientific approach (Sociology of Religion in English or Psychologie van Religie in Dutch).

The course list for the minor includes both English and Dutch courses, but it is possible to take the minor entirely in English (either entirely in semester 1 or spread across both semesters).

Maximum number of participants: 70

Prospectus number: 5000MRELN

Language: English/Dutch

Registration: via EduXchange

LEI students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 4 July 2024

TUD and EUR students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 31 May 2024


Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Two mandatory Courses:

Religion in the World 5
Comparative Religion 10

Choose two of the courses below:

Please note: electives are subject to availability

Introduction to the Study of Islam 5
Jews and Judaism: An Introduction 5
Religion, Philosophy of Life and Citizenship in Education 5
Het Woord gaat voort: Geschiedenis, inhoud en socioculturele impact van de Bijbel 5
Introduction to Buddhism 5
Introduction to Hindu Religions 5
Literature, Culture and Religion in Ancient Israel. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible 5
Religie en politiek in modern China 5
Christianity: The Basics 5
Religions of Antiquity 5
New Religions 5
Islam in Europe 5
Global Christianity 5
Religion and Politics 5
Religion and Media 5
BA Numata Buddhist Studies Seminar 5
Taoïsme: de levende religie 5
Democratic self-defence and democratic backsliding 5

Choose one of the two courses below:

Sociology of Religion 5
Psychology of Religion 5

More info


  • Extent: 30 EC (1 one semester or spread over 2 semesters)

  • Intended for: All students with an interest in the subject matter

  • Language of Instruction: English and Dutch. You can opt for a completely English taught package or a mix of Dutch and English taught courses.

  • Websites: Centre for the Study of Religion

  • Programme Coordinator: Dr. V.H. Meyer

  • Information: Coordinator of Studies

  • Board of Examiners: Religious Studies

  • Registration:
    LEI students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 4 July 2024
    TUD and EUR students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 31 May 2024
    Request an eduID account to register in EduXchange. On how to do this, watch Explore & register for your minor via eduXchange.

From July, register separately for the courses via MyStudymap (only applies to LEI students).

Follow-on master’s programmes

MA Religious Studies. Students with a university BA degree in the humanities or social sciences who successfully complete the minor Religion in a Changing World will be eligible for admission to the MA Religious Studies at Leiden University.

Educatieve MA Religie en Levensbeschouwing. Students with a university BA degree in the humanities or social sciences who successfully complete the minor Religion in a Changing World will be eligible for admission to the two-year educational MA Religie en Levensbeschouwing at Leiden University. Students who are interested in going on to follow the MA Religie en Levensbeschouwing are advised to take the courses Christendom: de basics and Introduction to the Study of Islam as part of the minor.