Translation English-Dutch
A language degree does not prepare you for a job as a translator, a fact unknown to graduates and their clients. Perhaps just as well, because many language graduates do become translators. The first translation concoctions are the result of blood, sweat and tears, but after a few years of experience most translators produce pretty decent translations and many enjoy their work.
We at Leiden's English Department believe that it is better for students to enter the translation profession with some preparation. This is why the minor Translation English-Dutch offers you the opportunity to become acquainted with translation in theory and practice, in many respects an exciting and challenging discipline. A good translator needs thorough knowledge of at least two languages, with all their lexical and grammatical nuances. In addition, the translator has an intimate knowledge of the cultures that are inextricably connected to the source and target languages. In other words, translators are mediators between cultures. Finally, professional translators have also been taught to reflect on what it means to do translation and to work as a translator. This means that they have a knowledge of translation strategies, that they have thought about what it means to do a "literal" or "free" translation, and that they are aware of ethical and practical issues, including the use of all kinds of tools and technologies (such as Google Translate and ChatGPT). The minor pays special attention to the role of so-called GenAI in the language industry, and teaches students how to use translation technology critically and effectively while reflecting on the impact AI has on the translation profession and society’s beliefs about the value and purpose of translation and human translators.
Maximum number of participants: 50
Study programme: 5000MENENN
Language: Dutch and English
Registration: via EduXchange see More Info
15 May (13:00hrs) until 30 June 2025