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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Origin and Evolution of the Universe 6
Origin and Structure of the Standard Model 3
Osmaans 1 5
Osmaanse Geschiedenis en Cultuur 5
Ottoman Turkish (Fall) 10
Oud Schrift 5
Oudkerkslavisch (BA) 5
Overzicht Antieke Wijsbegeerte 1: van Thales tot en met Plato 5
Overzichtscollege Oude Geschiedenis 1: Van Myceens Griekenland tot de Hellenistische wereld 5
Overzichtslezing Oude Geschiedenis 2: Van Romulus en Remus naar Romulus Augustulus. Overzicht over de geschiedenis van het Romeinse Rijk 5
Paleografie van de Griekse Papyri 1 5
Panorama van de middeleeuwen en de vroegmoderne tijd 5
Parlementaire pracht & praal: ritueel, ceremonieel en symboliek in de Tweede Kamer 10
Partial Differential Equations (MM) 8
Past and Future 5
Perception, Attention and Decision Making 5
Persian Language and Culture 1 10
Personal & Professional Development III 1
Personal and Professional Development for new students of Science & Society and of the Individual track 1
Personal and Professional Development II 1
Personalisering van de Politiek (in Nederland) 10
Perspectief op Carrièreplanning (POCP) 5
Perspectieven op kunsthistorisch onderzoek 5
Philology 1: Introduction to Middle English Language and Literature 5
Philology 3: History of the English Language 5
Philology 5: Late Modern English 10
Philology 5: Old English Literature and Culture 10
Philosophical Skills II 5
Philosophy of Culture 5
Philosophy of Knowledge and Methodology 10
Philosophy of Love 10
Philosophy of Mind 5
Philosophy of Natural Sciences: Epistemology of Epidemiology 10
Philosophy of Science 5
Phonology 2 5
Phonology I 5
Physics Experiments 1 3
Physics of Elementary Particles 6
Physics of Life (from Motors to Nerve Pulses) 6
Pilgrimage and Holy Places 10
Pindar and Epinician Poetry 10
Political Philosophy 5
Political Psychology in International Relations 10
Political Violence and Civil War 10
Politicians and Statesmen. Professionalization, Activism and Perception since the 18th Century 10
Politics and Economy: Philosophical Foundations 10
Politics and Ethics in the Contemporary Museum 10
Politics of Migration and Diversity 5
Politics of Southeast Asia 5
Politics of Southeast Asia 5