
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Bio-Informatica 8
Biomoleculaire Chemie (BMC) 6
Bird species in animal experimentation 2
Boekgeschiedenis in de Praktijk 5
Botany 5
Bouwrecht 5
BTW en Overdrachtsbelasting 5
Buddhist Ethics: Śāntideva’s Introduction to the Practice of Awakening  10
Buitenlandverblijf 15
Bureaucratische revolutie 5
Business Accounting 5
Business and Labour Rights 5
Business Game 5
Business Internship 20/30/40
BW-PLUS (alleen voor BW studenten) 1/6
Caleidoscoop semester 2 (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Capital Markets 5
Case Studies in Cyber Security 5
Causal inference in Field Experiments 5
Celbiologie en kanker 3
Chemie en Fysica van vaste stoffen (CFVS) 6
Chemisch Productontwerp (CPO) 6
Chemische Biotechnologie (CBT) 6
Chemische reactorkunde 6
Child Protection And Children's Rights 5
Children's Rights And Digital Technologies 5
Children’s Rights from an International Comparative Perspective 5
China and Global Cyberspace (ResMA) 10
China and the Global Political Economy 5
Chinese films en samenleving 5
Chinese Filosofie II 5
Chinese literatuur: poëzie 5
Chinese taalkunde: syntaxis 5
Chinese taalkunde: typologie 5
Cinema: Complexe Narratieven 5
Circular Economy: from Challenge to Opportunity 10
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 10
Clinical Neuropsychology 10
Clinical Psychology 10
Cognitive Neuroscience 10
Cognitive Psychology: Rationality and Emotion in Human Decision Making 5
Colonialism and the Representation of Society and State 10
Comparative Corporate Law 5
Comparative Sexual Orientation Law 5
Competition Law 5
Complexe functietheorie (Analyse 4) 6
Computational Physics (3 EC) 3
Computational Physics (6 EC) 6
Computer Networks 6
Conceptions of Knowledge in India and China 10