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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Mathematical Methods of Physics 6
Medical Anthropology 10
Modern Thinkers and Trends in Islam 5
Molecular Chemistry (MC) 6
Mondelinge communicatietechnieken - Taalvaardigheid II 5
Museums in Berlin (Excursion seminar) 5/10
Muziek: Practicum Musicae 3, Koninklijk Conservatorium 10
Nieuwegyptisch 10
Oral Traditions of South and Southeast Asia 5
Osmaans 2 5
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Palaeography of the Greek Papyri and Edition Technique of Papyrus Documents 5
Paragone: conflict en samenwerking tussen woord en beeld 10
Patterns, Chaos and Bifurcations (BM) 6
Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology 5
Philology 4: Early Modern Everyday English 5
Philology 6: Middle English Literature and Culture 10
Physiology, Advanced Concepts 4
Physiology, Basic Concepts 8
Practical Rhetoric: public speaking according to historical sources 5
Probability: Coupling theory (BM) 6
Protection of the Rule of Law in Europe 5
Psychology of Advertising 5
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice 5
Public International Law (bachelor) 5
Quantum Optics 6
Radio Astronomy 6
Recente romans 5
Religie en media 5
Representation Theory (BM) 6
Sanskrit 4 10
School Psychology 10
Science and the public: contemporary and historical perspectives 6
Science Methodology (SCM) 4
Sciences & Humanities 4
Séminaire de recherche: La littérature francophone aux Pays-Bas (1400-1650) 5
Séminaire de recherche: Le français en Afrique et aux Caraïbes: changement linguistique, créolisation et langues de jeunes 5
Séminaire de recherche: Maghreb francophone - jalons historiques 5
Séminaire pratique: Le Français Juridique 5
Sexology 5
Slavery and Memory in the Black Atlantic 10
Slavery on the Frontier: The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and the Black Sea, 15th-19th centuries 10
Social Psychology in Organisations 10
Social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in schools 5
Special Topics in Digital Humanities 5
Storia della lingua italiana 5
Strategische presentatie van argumentatie 5
Student Research Project BW 21
Study designs in the Life and Behavioral Sciences 6
Taalkunde III: De la forme au sens 5