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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
`Ulamâ’ in the Modern Muslim World 10
A Europe that serves and protects: the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Accounting (ICTiB&PS) 3
Advanced Academic Skills Elite Course 6
Advanced Cell Biology 4
Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 5
Advanced measure theory (BM) 6
Advanced Medicinal Chemistry (AMC) 6
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics II: Emergent field theories 6
Advances in Model Checking 6
Aerospace Law 5
African Literature: Overview to African Literatures 5
Alternative Histories of Standard English 10
Analyse literaire teksten, Taalvaardigheid II 5
Analyse van Nederland in moderne films, Cultuurwetenschap I 5
Anatolian Historical Linguistics 5
Animal Personality 6
Anthropology and Sociology of Modern Day South-East Asia 10
Anthropology and Sociology of Sub-Saharan Africa 10
Anthropology of Religion 10
Antieke Godsdiensten 5
Antropologische Taalkunde 5
Applied Cognitive Psychology 10
Applied Data Analysis 5
Applied Quantum Algorithms 6
Applied Research Methodology 4
Archaeological Theory (BA3) 5
Architecture: The Temple and the Stupa 5
Argumenteren en overtuigen 5
Art and Life Sciences 10
Art in the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition 5
Arts and Material Culture of Japan 5
Astrochemistry 3
Astronomical Observing Techniques 5
Astronomical Spectroscopy 3
Astronomy Lab and Observing Project 5
Attention: Theory and Practice 5
Bachelor Project: Presentation (S+N) 1
Bachelor Project: Presentation (S) 1
Bachelor Project: Research (N+S / S+N) 20
Bachelor Project: Research (S) 18
Bachelor project: Research, Thesis and Presentation (N+W) 24
Bachelor Project: Thesis (S+N) 3
Bachelor Project: Thesis (S) 3
Bachelor Research Project (S+W) 24
Bayesian Statistics 6
Beeldende Kunst: Fotografie 2 5
Beeldende Kunst: Grafisch ontwerpen 2 5
Beeldende Kunst: Schilderen 2 5