
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
ResMA Thesis History & Final Exam 30
Retorica en Recht 5
RMA Thesis Archaeology year 1 15
RMA Thesis Archaeology year 2 20
Science and the public: contemporary and historical perspectives 6
Science Methodology (SCM) 4
Sciences & Humanities 4
Scientific Conduct 1
Scriptie (Deutsch) 20
Scriptie MA Neerlandistiek (alle specialisaties) 20
Scriptieseminar Filosofie 0
Scriptieseminar Oude Nabije Oosten-studies 0
Scriptieseminar Religiewetenschappen 5
Selected Bibliography [Capita Selecta] and Bachelor Thesis (5+10 EC) 10 + 5
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk: Nederlandse Taalkunde 0
Seminar BA-werkstuk 0
Seminar: Thesis Writing 5
Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex 10
Sinographics: Chinese writing and writing Chinese (ResMA) 10
Sociaal recht, arbeidsrecht en reorganisatie 5
Social Engineering en de rol van de bevolking (1830-1970) 10
Social Innovation in Action 10
Spanish - Advanced 10
Stage - Rechtspraktijk 5/10
Stage Forensische Gezinspedagogiek 20
Stage JNM 10
Stage Kinderen met leer- en gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs 20
Stage Leerproblemen 20
Stage Orthopedagogiek 20
Strategische presentatie van argumentatie 5
Student-assistent onderzoek (participatie in en bijdrage aan facultair wetenschappelijk onderzoek) 5/10
Study designs in the Life and Behavioral Sciences 6
Study in Korea A 30
Taalkundig Veldwerk B 5
Taalvaardigheid 5
The Archaeology of the Ancient Silk Roads 5
The Many Faces of Translation: Language, Culture, Power, Art 5
The Sounding City 5
Thematic Fields: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations 10
Theories and Methods of Middle East and Islamic Studies 2 10
Theories and Methods of Middle East and Islamic Studies 3 10
Thesis and Methods in International Relations and Research 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research 5
Thesis and Thesis Seminar Africa A, sem 2 15
Thesis and Thesis Seminar Africa B, sem 2 15
Thesis and Thesis Seminar Africa C, sem 2 15
Thesis and Thesis Seminar Africa D, sem 2 15
Thesis and Thesis Seminar Africa E, sem 2 15