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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Theme courses
Themes in Arabic Literature: Bandits and Outlaws 10
Themes in Arabic Literature: Bandits and Outlaws, Fact and Fiction (ResMA) 10
Theoretical Approaches to Modernities in Latin America 10
Theoretische criminologie 10
Theorie en methode van argumentatie 10
Theories and Methods of Middle East and Islamic Studies 1 10
Theories and Methods of Middle East and Islamic Studies 2 10
Theory and Practice: Anthropotechnics 10
Theory of Concurrency 6
Theory of General Relativity 6
Theory of Spectroscopy and Molecular Properties (TSMP) 6
Thesis and Methods in International Relations and Research (CP) 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations and Research (GOHP) 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations and Research (GPE) 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research (EUS) 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research (GC) 5
Thesis EIHRL 10
Thesis Law & Finance 10
Thesis Preparation Module 6
Thesis Research Project Industrial Ecology 30
Thesis Seminar Arts and Culture 5
Thesis Seminar in Middle East and Islamic Studies (Fall) 0
Thesis Seminar International Politics - Fall 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development - Fall 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Nederlandse Politiek - Fall 2020 20
Thesis Seminar North American Studies 0
Thesis Seminar Parties, Parliaments and Democracy - Fall 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Philosophy (Fall) 0
Thesis Seminar Political Legitimacy and Justice - Fall 2020 20
Thesis Tutorial 1 5
Thesis Writing Seminar 0
Tibetan 1 10
Tibetan 3 10
Tibetan Buddhism 5
Toetsende Statistiek 5
Tools and Theories in the Study of Religion: Historical, Cognitive, and Social-Scientific Approaches 10
Topical course Art and the Fabric of Life: The Visual Arts of Africa 5
Topical Course: Artivism 5
Topical Debates on Photography in Historical Perspective 10
Topical Reading: Histories of Unfreedom of Bloodshed on Korean Peninsula 10
Topical Reading: Korea Encounters the World 10
Topical Reading: State and Society 10
Topical Reading: Women in Korean History 10
Topical Readings in Classical Japanese 10
Topical Readings in Classical Japanese (ResMA) 10
Topics in Chinese Linguistics 10
Topics in Chinese Linguistics (ResMA) 10
Topics in Linguistics B: Academic Skills for Linguists 5
Topics in Modern Chinese History (5 EC) 5