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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Caleidoscoop (HC Bèta & Life Science) 5
Can the Subaltern Write? China’s Migrant Worker Culture 10
Can the Subaltern Write? China’s Migrant Worker Culture (ResMA) 10
Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics 4
Capitalism and Beyond 10
Capolavori moderni e contemporanei 5
Capstone Cases 4
Celbiologie (BIO) 3
Celbiologie (voor Bioinformatica) 3
Celfysiologie (voor Bioinformatica) 3
Cell Signaling in Cancer and Drug Safety 5
Cellulaire Biochemie 4
Cellular signal transduction 5
Child And Family In Private International Law 5
Child care, experts, and parents: historical trends 5
China from the Margins. A Coastal and South Perspective up to 1900 5
China-Africa Relations in a Changing Global Order 10
China's International Political Economy 10
China's International Political Economy (ResMA) 10
Chinese Buddhism 5
Chinese Filosofie III 5
Chinese geschiedenis tot 1911 5
Chinese History in a Global Context II 5
Chinese literatuur en samenleving: tekst, macht en geld 5
Chinese Literatuur: proza & film van Zhuangzi tot Wong Kar-wai 5
Cinema e Literatura no Brasil: Viagens Intermediáticas (LK5) 5
Cinema: Avant-garde/Expanded Cinema (Stromingen 2) 5
Cinema: Postmodernisme (Stromingen 3) 5
Cinema: Realisme en Modernisme (Stromingen 1) 5
Circular Economy: from Challenge to Opportunity 10
Civilians in Conflict 10
Classical Mechanics b 3
Classics and Ancient Civilizations MA-Seminar 5
Cognitive Behaviour Interventions 5
Cognitive Neuroscience 10
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language 10
Collaboration Africa 15
Collective Memory & Transitional Justice 10
Combinatorische Speltheorie (BM) 6
Common Course: Herodotus and Ancient Civilizations 10
Commutative Algebra (MM) 8
Comparative Literatures of the Middle East 5
Comparative Philosophy 5
Comparative Religion 5
Comparative Semitics 10
Compiler Construction 6
Complex Networks (BM) 6
Complex Societies 5
Computational Creativity 6
Computational Models and Semantics 6