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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Masters of Chinese Philosophy 10
Material Culture, Memory and Commemoration along the Silk Roads in Central Asia 10
Material Studies 5
Meta Media 2
Methods for socio-political research on Latin America 10
Migration Matters: (Im)migration, Memory, and Identity in American Literature and Film 10
Mij Maak je Niets Wijs: Nederlandse Representatiekritiek en Cultuuranalyse 10
Mobility, Interaction and Colonialism in the Americas 5
Modern Chinese Economy and Development 5
Modern Muslim Qur'an Interpretation 10
Molecular Biophysics 4
Molecular Cell Biology (MCB) 6
Mondelinge communicatietechnieken - Taalvaardigheid II 5
Moot Court Public International Law 5
Multiscale Mathematical Biology (BM) 6
Museums, Cultural Heritage and Collections 10
Music - Philosophy - Politics 5
Nanotechnology (Delft) 6
Nation and Imagination in Brazilian Literature, Arts and Culture (LK3) 5
Natural Computing 6
Nederlandse dialogen van de dertiende eeuw tot nu: geschiedenis en gebruik 10
Nederlandse geschiedenis 1: Van Prehistorie tot Patriottentijd 5
Nederlandse letterkunde 1: Van Middeleeuwen tot Verlichting, Cultuurwetenschap II 5
Nederlandse Media en Maatschappij 5
Numerical Recipes for Astrophysics 6
Observational Cosmology 3
Of Witches and Wardrobes: Three Paradoxes of Children's Literature 10
Oil, Waste and Water: Environmental Issues in the Middle East and North Africa 10
Old Church Slavic Language and Culture 10
Onderzoek naar historische literatuur in de praktijk 5
Oral and Written Literature in Africa BA 3: Manuscript and print culture in Africa 5
Oral Literature: Research in Living Traditions 5
Orale en Geschreven Literatuur in Afrika: BA2: Manuscript and print culture in Africa 5
Origin and Evolution of the Universe 6
Origin and Structure of the Standard Model 3
Ottoman Turkish (Fall) 10
Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie 5
Philology 3: History of the English Language 5
Philology 5: Late Modern English 10
Philology 5: Old English Literature and Culture 10
Philosophy of Culture 5
Phonology I 5
Physics of Elementary Particles 6
Physics of Life (from Motors to Nerve Pulses) 6
Pilgrimage and Holy Places 10
Pindar and Epinician Poetry 10
Plant Families of the Tropics 5
Playful and Creative Science 6
Politics and Ethics in the Contemporary Museum 10