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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Bachelor project: Research, Thesis and Presentation (N+W) 24
Bachelor Project: Thesis (S+N) 3
Bachelor Project: Thesis (N) 3
Bachelor Project: Thesis (N+S) 3
Bachelor Project: Thesis (S) 3
Bachelor Research Project (S+W) 24
Bachelor Research Project Biologie 24
Bachelor Scriptieseminar 0
Bachelor Thesis Arts, Media and Society 10
Bachelordossier/Bachelorklas 15
Bacheloreindwerkstuk Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur 10
Bacheloronderzoeksopdracht BFW onder begeleiding van één van de onderzoeksclusters van het LACDR 16
Bachelorproject (10 ECTS) 10
Bachelorproject (15 ECTS) 15
Bachelorproject Academische Pabo 15
Bachelorproject Pedagogische Wetenschappen 15
Bachelorproject Psychologie 15
Bachelorscriptie: Criminologie 10
Bachelorscriptie: Fiscaal Eindwerkstuk 5
Bachelorscriptie: Fiscale Talentenklas 5
Bachelorscriptie: International Business Law 5
Bachelorscriptie: Notarieel recht 5
Bachelorscriptie: Recht en Economie 5
Bachelorscriptie: Rechtsgeleerdheid 5
Banking & Finance Transactions 10
Begin of afronding MA thesis JNM 10
Bestuursprocesrecht (Ba) 5
Beyond the Boundaries of Health Care 5
Biomoleculaire Chemie (BMC) 6
Bird species in animal experimentation 2
Buddhist Ethics: Śāntideva’s Introduction to the Practice of Awakening  10
Buitenlands geweld door Nederlandse ogen 10
Burgerlijk procesrecht (Ba) 5
Burgerschap in crisistijd. Oproer en politiek in de Republiek, 1747-1748 10
Business and Labour Rights 5
Business Internship 20/30/40
Can the Subaltern Write: China’s Migrant Worker Culture (ResMA) 10
Capita Selecta of European Law - Privatissimum 10
Capital Markets 5
Career Orientation 2
Case Studies in Cyber Security 5
Cell Biology (CEB) 6
Child And Family In Private International Law 5
Child Protection And Children's Rights 5
Children In The Justice System 5
Children's Rights And Digital Technologies 5
Children’s Rights from an International Comparative Perspective 5
China and Global Cyberspace (ResMA) 10
China's International Political Economy (ResMA) 10
Chinese Filosofie III 5