
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Interculturele aspecten van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Interculturele cultuuranalyse 5
Interdisciplinary Project Groups 12
Interdisciplinary Research Training 9
Intergroup Relations 5
Intermediate Persian 5
Intermediate Sumerian 5
Intermediate Turkish 10
Internal Practical Internship (IPI) 10
Internationaal belastingrecht 5
Internationaal belastingrecht II 10
Internationaal en Europees arbeidsrecht 5
Internationaal privaatrecht (civiel) 5
Internationaal privaatrecht (notarieel) 5
International Administration 5
International Administration (Minor/Exchange) 5
International and Regional Human Rights 5
International and Regional Organisations in World Politics 5
International Arbitration 4
International Arbitration in Public International Law 5
International Commercial Arbitration and Litigation 5
International Commercial Law 5
International Contract Law 10
International Corporate Insolvency Law 5
International Corporate Law 5
International Criminal Law 5
International Criminal Law 5
International Criminal Law 5
International Criminal Litigation (ICL) 5
International Development 5
International Dispute Settlement 5
International Dispute Settlement 5
International Economic Law and Sustainable Development (PJD) 5
International Economics 5
International Environmental Law 5
International Human Rights Law 10
International Humanitarian Law 5
International Humanitarian Law 5
International Insolvency Law 5
International Institutional Law 5
International Intervention 10
International Investment Law and Arbitration 5
International Labour Law 10
International Law 10
International Law 5
International Law and Human Rights 5
International Litigation and Arbitration Proceedings 10
International Migration and Refugee Law 5
International Negotiation 5
International Organizations and the Promotion of Good Governance 5