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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Methods and Techniques 3: Qualitative Research 10
Methods for socio-political research on Latin America 10
Methods I: Research Seminar Latin American Modernities 10
Methods II: Research in Latin America 20
Methods III: Writing Workshop 5
Methods in Clinical Neuropsychology 5
Methods in Experimental Linguistics 10
Methods in Political Science (The Hague, Fall) 5
Methods in Political Science - Fall 5
Methods in Political Science - Spring 5
Methods in Political Science (The Hague, Spring) 5
Methods in Speech Processing 5
Methods of Intercultural Philosophical Scholarship 10
Methods of Qualitative Research 5
Methods: Analysing Physical Processes 5
Methods: Analysing Social Processes 5
Methods: Putting Theory into Practice 10
Métodos de análisis cultural y lecturas críticas 10
Micro-economie (BSK) 5
Micro-economie (ESE) 8
Microbial Evolution & Ecology 3
Microbiële biotechnologie in de praktijk 4
Microbiële Fysiologie 5
Microbiologie (BIO) 3
Microbiologie (voor Bioinformatica) 3
Microeconomics 5
Microscopie en Imaging 6
Middeleeuwen I: Littérature Moyen-Age 5
Middeleeuws geweld 10
Middeleeuwse filosofie 5
Middeleeuwse paleografie 5
Migratie en mobiliteit in modern China 5
Migration And Children's Rights 5
Migration and Development: Globalisation, Livelihoods and Conflicts 5
Migration and Integration 10
Migration Law and Policy in the EU 5
Migration Matters: (Im)migration, Memory, and Identity in American Literature and Film 10
Mij Maak je Niets Wijs: Nederlandse Representatiekritiek en Cultuuranalyse 10
Milieubiologie 1 1
Milieubiologie 2 3
Militairen en politiek in Frankrijk (1870-1969) 10
Mind and Technology: Heidegger's Heritage 10
Minor 30
Minor (informatie voor bachelorstudenten CAOS) 30
Minor / Keuzevakkenpakket (15 EC) 15
Minor or Electives BA Engels 30
Minor Quantitative Biology 15/30
Minority Rights 10
MIRD Internship 10
MIRD Master Thesis 15