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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Oral Traditions (ResMA) 10
Orale en Geschreven Literatuur in Afrika: BA2: Manuscript and print culture in Africa 5
Organ transplantation 5
Organisatie en Strategie (ESE) 8
Organisaties in de rechtshandhaving 5
Organisatietheorie 5
Organisatieverandering 5
Organisation of the ageing society 10
Organisational Design, Culture and Behaviour 5
Organisational Management 5
Organische Chemie 1 6
Organische chemie 1 5
Organische Chemie 2 5
Organische Chemie 2 (LST) 6
Organische chemie 2 (MST) 6
Organische chemie en structuuranalyse (OCS) 9
Organische chemie practicum 3
Organized crime and its undermining impact on society 5
Organizing, Managing, Analyzing and Interpreting Political Science Data 10
Organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis (OCHC) 6
Oriëntatie Bioinformatica 3
Oriëntatie Informatica 3
Oriëntatie Informatica en Economie 3
Orientatie op onderwijs 6
Oriëntatievak Entrepreneurship and Management 5
Oriëntatievak grondslagen van het recht 5
Oriëntatievak recht en economie 5
Orientation AI 3
Orientation course International Business Law 5
Orientation on Biodiversity 9
Orientation on Biodiversity and Sustainability 2
Orientation on Evolutionary Biology 2
Orientation on From Cells to Organisms 2
Orientation on Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology 2
Orientation Program Science & Society 000
Orientation seminar 5
Origin and Evolution of the Universe 6
Origin and Structure of the Standard Model 3
Origins of human anatomy, physiology and behaviour 9
Orthopedagogiek: theorieën en modellen 5
Osmaans 1 5
Osmaans 2 5
Osmaanse Geschiedenis en Cultuur 5
Ossetic 5
Ossetic 5
Osteology 5
Other approved electives 1-6
Ottoman Turkish (Fall) 10
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Oud Schrift 5