
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
RMA Thesis Archaeology Year 1 15
RMA Thesis Archaeology Year 2 20
Robotics 6
Robots & Artificial Intelligence 4
Role of International Actors in (tackling global inequality and) Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 5
Role of International Actors in (tackling global inequality and) Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 5
Role of IT in Public Administration 6
Romaanse Taalkunde 5
Romeins recht 5
Romeins recht - Verbintenissenrecht 5
Russia and the World 10
Russia in and against Europe: Entangled Socio-Political Transformations after the Cold War 10
Russian 1 Beginners 10
Russian 1 Pre-Intermediate 10
Russian 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Russian 3 Intermediate 5
Russian 3 Upper-Intermediate 5
Russian Foreign Policy 10
Russian in Practice 5
Russian Politics 10
Russische film 10
Russische grammatica 1A 10
Russische grammatica 1B 10
Russische grammatica 2 5
Russische leesvaardigheid 2A 5
Russische leesvaardigheid 2B 5
Russische leesvaardigheid 3 5
Russische leesvaardigheid 3 5
Russische poëzie en korte verhalen 10
Russische taalverwerving 1A 5
Russische taalverwerving 1B 10
Russische taalverwerving 2 5
Sacred Kingship at the Crossroads of Area Studies and Global History 10
Safe City Lecture Series 5
Sailing the Dutch Atlantic 10
Sanctierecht 5
Sanskrit 1 10
Sanskrit 2 10
Sanskrit 3 10
Sanskrit 4 10
Scales of Biodiversity 9
Scheidingstechnologie (SCT) 6
Scheikunde 4
Scholarly Virtues and Vices: Writing the History of the Humanities (1850-2000) 10
School Psychology 10
School-based Prevention and Intervention 5
Schriftelijke Rapportage (SR)
Schrijven over cultuur, Taalvaardigheid II 5
Schrijven over Taal, Taalvaardigheid II 5