
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Hervorming van Sociale Regelgeving 5
Het beeld van de Ander 5
Het Caraibisch gebied: op het kruispunt van vier werelddelen 10
Het Italië van pausen, keizers en steden (Cultuurkunde) 5
Het lerende brein 5
Het lerende kind 5
Het Woord gaat voort: Geschiedenis, inhoud en socioculturele impact van de Bijbel 5
Hiëratische paleografie 5
High Performance Computing 6
High-dimensional data analysis 6
Hindi 1 10
Hindi 1 Beginners 10
Hindi 2 10
Hindi 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Hindi 3 10
Hindi 3 Intermediate 5
Hindi 4 10
Hindi Literature 10
Hindu Myths in the Art of South and Southeast Asia 5
Histologie 2
Historical Approaches: Environmentalisms Rich and Poor 5
Historical Grammar of Greek 5
Historical Grammar of Sanskrit 5
Historical Linguistics 5
Historical Research Methods 5
Historical Research Methods: History and Testimony 5
Historical Theory 10
Histories of Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture 10
Histories of Modern South and Southeast Asia 5
Histories of Southeast Asia (10 EC) 10
Histories of Southeast Asia (5 EC) 5
Histories of Southeast Asia (ResMA) 10
Histories We Play 5
Historiografie en Geschiedfilosofie 5
Historische sociolinguïstiek: taal in de stad 10
Historische taalkunde 5
History & Politics: Environmental History 5
History and Culture of Modern Turkey 5
History and Politics in Africa 5
History of Central Asia & Afghanistan 5
History of Contemporary Iran 5
History of Ethics 5
History of European Decorative Arts 5
History of European Integration 5
History of Japan to 1868 5
History of Migration and Diversity 5
History of Migration and Diversity (10 EC) 10
History of Modern Philosophy 5
History of Persian Language and Literature 5
History of Philosophy 5