
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
MA-scriptieseminar Taalbeheersing 0
Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen 5
Machine Learning 6
Machine Learning 1 (TU Delft) 5
Machine Learning for Business Analytics 3
Machine Learning for Electrical Engineering (TU Delft) 5
Machine learning for NLP 10
Macro-economie (BSK) 5
Macroeconomics 5
Macromolecular Crystallography (MCR) 6
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Making a Case: Research Project 5
Making Friends and Influencing People: International Cooperation and Covert Action 10
Making Human Rights Work 5
Making impact: bridging research and society for inclusive health and wellbeing 5
Management en Verandering van Publieke Organisaties 5
Management in International Administrations 5
Management project Proposal (BMS) 3
Management Science 3
Managerial Economics, Business and Politics 5
Managing and Coordinating the Crisis Response 10
Managing Natural Resources in Law and Practice 5
Managing Software Evolution 3
Mandarijn 1a 15
Mandarijn 1b 10
Mandarijn 2a 5
Mandarijn 2b 5
Mandarijn 2c in China/Taiwan 15
Mandarijn 2c in Leiden 15
Mandarijn 3a 5
Mandarijn 3b 5
Mandarin 1 Beginners 10
Mandarin 1 Pre-Intermediate 10
Mandarin 2 Intermediate 10
Mandarin 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Mandarin 3 (Upper-)Intermediate 5
Mandarin 3 Intermediate 5
Manuscript Book in the West 5
Mapping Iconography 5
Maritime Archaeology, Culture and Landscapes: Research, Protection, and their Role in Identity(Building) 5
Maritime Treasures: Diving into Maritime History 10
Marketing Analytics 3
Marketing in the 21st Century (Campus The Hague) 5
Marketing Management (Leiden) 5
Marketing Science 3
Markets and Competition Policy 5
Markets in the Welfare State 5
Markov Chains and Applications 6
Markt en macht. De wereldeconomie van handelskapitalisme naar globalisering, 1500-heden 5
Marktwerkingsvraagstukken 5