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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
The Middle East in the International Political Economy 10
The Middle East in the International Political Economy (ResMa) 10
The Nature and Practice of Lobbying in the EU 5
The older individual 10
The One Health Approach: Humans and the Environment 5
The Origins of Life (Delft) 6
The Past at Play! 5
The Past in the Present: Nation-building in Modern China (10 EC) 10
The Past in the Present: Nation-building in Modern China (5 EC) 5
The Pathophysiology of Coagulation 6
The Political Economy of the European Union 5
The Political: Theory and Practices 5
The Politicization of European Integration 10
The Politics of Africa: Development, Democracy, and Identity 10
The Politics of Destruction: Targeting World Heritage 10
The Politics of Destruction: Targeting World Heritage (ResMA) 10
The Politics of Digital East Asia 10
The politics of heritage, knowledge exchange and religion in (post)colonial Indonesia and India 10
The Politics of Policy-Making: National and International Challenges 10
The Power of the Past: The Contemporary Relevance of Histories 10
The Prehistory of Anatolia and Cyprus 5
The Production of Belonging: Claiming Urban Space through Cultural and Linguistic Practices 10
The Psychological Origins of Mass Politics 10
The Psychology of Digital Design (PDD) 5
The Psychology of Economic Behaviour 5
The Psychology of Media and Communication 5
The Psychology of Selling and Advertising 5
The Rise and Decline of American Empire 10
The Rise of Aesthetic Rationality 10
The Roman Frontier 5
The Rule of Man in the Rule of Law 5
The Russian Revolution Revisited 10
The Russian Revolution Revisited 10
The Slave Ship: Business, terror and resistance 10
The Sounding City 5
The State of the Art and its Discontents 10
The Trauma of Losing One’s Roots: Stefan Zweig’s Perception of the Habsburg Empire 10
The Truth behind Quantified self: the reality of using data from smartphone sensors to Instagram posts to enhance human health & performance 5
The Union in the World 5
The United States and the Global Environment 10
The Visual and Material Culture of Exchange in Asia and Europe, 1500-1800 10
The Visual and Material Culture of Exchange in Asia and Europe, 1500-1800 (ResMA) 10
The World of Entrepreneurs 5
The World of Shi’i Islam: History, Art and Culture 5
The Written Legacy of Hittite Anatolia 10
Thema Overstijgende Opdracht Geneesmiddel 2
Thema Overstijgende Opdracht Patiënt 3
Thema's in de taalkunde van Latijns Amerika (TK5) 5
Themacollege I 5
Themacollege II 10