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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Literature 5B: Anglo-American Modernism 10
Literature 5C: Shakespeare and Memory 10
Literature 5D: Introduction to American film 10
Literature 6: Contemporary Literatures in English 10
Literatures of South and Southeast Asia 5
Literatures of South and Southeast Asia 5
Literatuur en cultuur van 1800 tot heden 5
Literatuur en cultuur van het begin tot 1800 5
Literatuur en cultuur van het begin tot 1800 5
Literatuur in handschrift en druk in de Lage Landen 5
Literatuur in handschrift en druk in de Lage Landen 5
Literatuur: Realisme en Symbolisme (Stromingen 1) 5
Lithuanian (BA) 5
Magnetic Resonance Phenomena 6
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Making Sustainability Work: Examples from Industry 2
Marketing Analytics 3
Marketing Science 3
Mastaba Seminar 10
Material Culture 5
Material Studies 5
Mathematical Methods of Physics 6
Mechanical Metamaterials 6
Mechanisms of Disease 6
Mechanisms of disease 1 7
Mechanisms of disease 2 7
Media Worlds 5
Medical Anthropology 10
Medical Biotechnology 6
Medical Education 15
Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Discovery (MCDD) 6
Medieval Philosophy 5
Metals and Life (MAL) 6
Methods and Theory in Egyptian Archaeology 5
Methods in Clinical Neuropsychology 5
Methods of Qualitative Research 5
Métodos de análisis cultural y lecturas críticas 10
Métodos para la investigación socio-política en América Latina 10
Microbial Evolution & Ecology 3
Middeleeuwen I: Littérature du Moyen Âge 5
Migration Matters: (Im)migration, Memory, and Identity in American Literature and Film 10
Mij Maak je Niets Wijs: Nederlandse Representatiekritiek en Cultuuranalyse 10
Mixed and longitudinal modeling 6
Model organisms in cancer drug discovery and development 4
Modern and Contemporary Architecture and Design 5
Modern Astronomical and Physics Research 1
Modern Astronomical Research 1
Modern Astrostatistics 3
Modern Chinese Economy and Development 5
Modern Chinese History 5