
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Chinese literatuur en samenleving: tekst, macht en geld 5
Chinese literatuur: poëzie van het Boek der Oden tot WeChat 5
Chinese Literatuur: proza & film van Zhuangzi tot Wong Kar-wai 5
Chinese taalkunde: typologie 5
Christendom: de basics 5
Cinema e Literatura no Brasil: Viagens Intermediáticas (LK5) 5
Cinema: Avant-garde (Stromingen 2) 5
Cinema: Postmodernisme (Stromingen 3) 5
Cinema: Realisme en Modernisme (Stromingen 1) 5
Classical Electrodynamics 4
Classical Mechanics b 3
Classroom dynamics: teaching a diversity of students 5
Clinical immunology 15
Clinical research and practice in child psychiatry 15
Cloud Computing 6
Cognitieve Psychologie 5
Collective Memory & Transitional Justice 10
Combinatoriek & Optimalisering 6
Combinatoriek en Optimalisering 6
Combinatorische Speltheorie (BM) 6
Common Course: Herodotus and Ancient Civilizations 10
Communication in Africa 5
Comparative Corporate Law 5
Comparative Religion 5
Comparative Semitics 10
Comparative Syntax 10
Complex Networks (BM) 6
Complex Societies 5
Complexe functietheorie (Analyse 4) 6
Computational Chemistry and Molecular Simulations (CCMS) 6
Computational Creativity 6
Computational Models and Semantics 6
Computational Molecular Biology 6
Computational Physics (3 EC) 3
Computational Physics (6 EC) 6
Concurrency and Causality 6
Condensed Matter Physics 6
Contemporary Brazil 10
Contemporary China B: Politics, Economy and Society 5
Contemporary Indian Politics 10
Continentale filosofie 5
Core Course Medieval and Early Modern Studies 10
Core Course: Methodological Concepts in Art and Literature 10
Core curriculum: Introduction to Literary Theory 5
Core: Samples of Linguistic Structure 10
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
Corpus Lexicography 10
Creatief schrijven: Vier cruciale keuzes 5
Creative Programming 6
Crime and Migration 5