
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Differentiable Manifolds 6
Digitaal editeren van literaire teksten 5
Digital Heritage 5
Digital Text and Data Analysis 5
Discrete Besliskunde 6
Diversity Linguistics: Africa, Asia and the Americas 10
Dutch Debates – Topical Questions in Dutch Society, Culture I 5
Dutch Painting 1400 – 1950: Introduction to the Art History of the Netherlands, Cultuurwetenschap I 5
Dynamical Systems Seminar - Anthology of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) 6
Dynamics of Molecule-Surface Reactions (DST) 3
Economic Policy in the EU 5
Economie in hoofdlijnen (LAW) 5
Economies of South and Southeast Asia 5
Economies of the Middle East 5
Economische Processen in Latijns-Amerika 5
Econophysics 6
Effective Field Theory 3
Egyptische Epigrafie 5
El lugar de lo político en la literatura y el cine latinoamericanos 10
El lugar de lo político en la literatura y el cine latinoamericanos 10
Electrochemistry (ELE) 6
Elektrische en Magnetische Velden 5
English-Language Popular Culture 5
Entrepreneurial Finance (Leiden) 5
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Leiden) 5
Enzyme dynamics: NMR spectroscopy and kinetics (EDNMR) 6
Epigrafie van het spijkerschrift 5
Epigraphy: Phoenician 5
Epigraphy: Phoenician 10
Epistemologie 5
Erfrecht 10
Ergodic Theory and Fractals (BM) 6
Essentials for Data Science 6
Essentials of Mixed and Longitudinal Modelling 3
Estado, Sociedad Civil y Políticas Públicas en América Latina 10
Ethiek 5
EU Internal Market Law 5
European and International Intellectual Property Law 4
Europese expansie, globalisering en deglobalisering, 900 - 1500 5
Exhibition Research Lab 6
Exo-planets A: Interiors and Atmospheres 3
Experimental Methods I: Design & Techniques 5
Experimental Projects 6
Experimentele Natuurkunde deel I 3
Experimentele Natuurkunde deel II 3
Expression écrite 5
Film en filosofie 10
Filmgenres 5
Filosofie & Religie van China 5