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Public Administration: Economics and Governance

The MSc Public Administration offers 3 specialisations:

  1. International and European Governance (IEG)

  2. Public Management and Leadership (PML)

  3. Economics and Governance (EG)

This master’s is a fulltime day programme taught in English. Only students of the MSc Public Administration can participate in the courses of Public Administration.

The Economics and Governance specialisation of the Master in Public Administration teaches you to formulate problem-solving approaches to concrete policy issues found at the intersection between economics and public administration. This specialisation is a unique joint offering of the Department of Economics and the Institute of Public Administration.

Specialisation: E&G

Please consult the programme overview of the Master Public Administration for the September and February intake to see which courses you follow in each block. Your study load is 15 ECTS per block. The core and skills-oriented courses are offered twice per year and the specialisation courses are offered once per year. Please note: the range of electives differs per block II and block IV. You can find the overview on the right side under 'Files'.

  • In your first block, you follow one core course Public Institutions (5 ECTS) and two specialisation courses (2x5 ECTS).

  • In your second block, you follow one core course Public Policy and Values (5 ECTS), one skills-oriented course Research Design (5 ECTS), and one elective (5 ECTS).

  • In your third block, you follow two specialisation courses (2x5 ECTS) and start on your Master's Thesis (20 ECTS).

  • In your fourth block, you work fulltime on your Master's Thesis (20 ECTS).


Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Career Preparation

Block 1

Public Institutions 5
Research Methods: Applied Empirical Economics 5
Welfare State Economics 5

Block 2

Public Policy and Values 5
Research Design 5
Elective (see below) 5

Block 3

Public Institutions 5
Economics of Regulation 5
Political Economy in International Perspective 5

Block 4

Public Policy and Values 5
Research Design 5
Elective (see below) 5

Master thesis Public Administration

Master's Thesis Public Administration 20


Markets and Competition Policy 5
EU Policymaking and Implementation 5
Regulatory policy: Theory and practice 5
International Environmental Governance 5
Institutional Foundations of Good Government and Governance 5
Lobbying and Public Affairs in Theory and Practice 5
Managerial Economics, Business and Politics 5
Markets in the Welfare State 5
Public Leadership Across Borders 5


Board and co-participation

The programme Public Administration has a programme board that consists of:

  • Programme coordinator, responsible for the content of the programme amongst other things: Dr. R. (Rik) de Ruiter.

  • Student member of the board, who brings in the student perspective of the programme board: R. (Rassoul) Coelen

The Master Public Administration has a Programme Committee (OLC). This is a co-participation body that consists of academic staff as well as students.

Study counseling and support

The study advisors are your first point of contact within the programme. They can help you with study-related questions and problems, such as study delay, planning and choices, thesis issues, internships, exchange, rules and regulations etc. Please inform them of personal circumstances, especially when they affect your studies and/or wellbeing. Examples include (acute or chronic) illness, disability, family circumstances, pregnancy, top-level sport and certain board activities.

Depending on your question or problem, the study advisers might forward you to the:

  • Student counsellors. They help you with any questions or problems you might have concerning combining studying with top-level sport, a disability or pregnancy/with children, academic delay, complaints and financial matters.

  • Student psychologists. They can help you with study-related and personal problems. They also provide mindset and study skills courses and workshops, and support groups for students who are writing their thesis.

  • Board of Examiners. The board of examiners is responsible for examination and monitors the level of exams and elective courses/packages, including adherence to the rules and regulations, granting exemptions and taking measures with regard to fraud, plagiarism etc. For individual requests to the board, please read the rules and regulations.

  • Educational Service Centre (OSC). The OSC is responsible for the organisation of exams and exam facilities, registration of final grades and processing of requests in uSis, diploma requests, transcripts and schedules. They can be reached at the desk and by telephone during opening hours, and via email 24/7.


  • The study advisers are the first point of contact within the programme. Please inform them about your complaint first so they can forward you the right contact person, department or procedure.

  • The university offers different channels where you can discuss your question or complaint.

  • Do you have a questions, suggestion or complaint about a specific course, exam or about the study programme and time schedule? Please check the complaints page of your programme.

  • Every faculty has a complaints coordinator: the assessor of the Faculty (student member of the Board). He or she is the complaints coordinator for all other complaints.

Study association

The study association Bestuurskundige Interfacultaire vereniging Leiden (B.I.L.) forms a link between students and the Institute and organizes several activities for students.

Transitional arrangement

Regulation and Governance (E&G February 2020 cohort and earlier)
Due to the restructuring of the Economics and Governance program the course Regulation and Governance is no longer offered from the academic year of 2021-2022 onwards.

Students from the E&G February 2020 cohorts and earlier who did not finish this course follow one of the following electives as a substitute for Regulation and Governance: Markets and Competition Policy or Markets in the Welfare State. If they have already followed one of these courses as an elective they can choose another course to follow as an elective.

Career preparation

Career Preparation in the Master Public Administration

In addition to offering you a solid university education, Leiden University aims to prepare you as well as possible for the labour market, and in doing so contribute to the development of your employability. In this way, it will become easier for you to make the transition to the labour market, to remain employable in a dynamic labour market, in a (career) job that suits your own personal values, preferences and development.

'Employability' consists of the following aspects that you will develop within your study programme.

1. Discipline-specific knowledge and skills These are knowledge and skills specific to your study programme, such as application of institutional theories, and policy analysis, solutions and presentations taught in Public Institutions and Public Policy and Values .

2. Shared transferable skills These skills are relevant to every student and job, irrespective of study programme. Think of researching, analysing, project-based working, collaborating, presenting, societal awareness and independent learning. Each course teaches shared transferable skills that are distinguished in the course descriptions.

  1. Self-reflection The Career Preparation programme in Brightspace helps students reflect on their unique profile and drives, and develop their application skills and resilience. When you have completed the self-study modules, you are able to position yourself in the labour market and target your dream job(s) effectively.

  2. Practical experience You follow one specialisation course with career preparation explicitly embedded in the curriculum. You are required to perform an assignment and reflect on your learning experiences and applied skills, and to apply these insights to your future career perspectives.

  3. Labour market orientation Professors invite guest speakers to share their practical experience and career choices in the courses. Furthermore, each specialisation offers a challenge where you work on a real policy case from a public organisation. Lastly, the master organises alumni network meetings.

Leiden University’s Career Service and our study association B.I.L. offer various resources to facilitate your transition from university to labour market. They communicate their activities in the university newsletter, Brightspace and social media.