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Pre-master Archaeology

The pre-master track (transition programme) is intended for students who want to start a master in Archaeology, but who have some deficiencies in archaeological knowledge or skills. The pre-master programme offers you the opportunity to acquire these skills yet.

A pre-master programme is always determined on an individual basis, in concordance with and with the approval of the Admission Committee. The programme consists of a selection of courses from the bachelor Archaeology.

Pre-master Archaeology

To be eligible for a pre-master Archaeology you have to meet the following requirements:

  • A BA-degree in an archeaology-related discipline.

  • You're able to obtain any missing archeological skills and knowledge within 1 year.

Please note: these requirements will not automatically secure admission to the pre-master programme. Every individual application will be assessed by the Admission Committee. Depending on your previous training and prior knowledge, the Admission Committee will determine the content and number of ec (60 ec maximum) of your pre-master programme.


You are advised to apply for the master programme of your choice. The Admission Committee will then assess your file and will either admit you directly to the master programme, or you will receive a pre-master offer. In that offer you will find instructions on how to apply for the pre-master programme.

See our website for more information on how to apply for a master Archaeology.

Pre-master 30 EC

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Early Cities: A Comparative Perspective 5
Designing Archaeological Research 5
Archaeological Theory (BA3) 5
Material Studies 1 5
Early Empires in West Asia and the Mediterranean 5
Science Communication: Archaeology in the 21st Century 5

Pre-master 60 EC

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Landscape Dynamics 1 5
World Archaeology 1 5
Bioarchaeology 5
Field Techniques 5
World Archaeology 2 5
Introduction to Heritage Studies 1 5
World Archaeology 3 5
Early Cities: A Comparative Perspective 5
Archaeological Theory (BA3) 5
Material Studies 1 5
Early Empires in West Asia and the Mediterranean 5
Science Communication: Archaeology in the 21st Century 5