
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Multiscale Mathematical Biology (BM) 6
Museology of the Ancient Near East 5
Museums, Collections and Society 5
Museums, Cultural Heritage and Collections 10
Music - Philosophy - Politics 5
Music as Expressive Force 5
Music x Technology 5
Nanotechnology (Delft) 6
Narratives That Matter: Literature, Film and Television Drama in the Middle East 10
Nation and Imagination in Brazilian Literature, Arts and Culture (LK3) 5
Nationale Politiek I: Het Nederlandse Politiek Bestel 5
Natural Computing 6
Navigating History: New Perspectives on Maritime History 10
Nederlandse dialogen van de dertiende eeuw tot nu: geschiedenis en gebruik 10
Nederlandse geschiedenis 1: Van Prehistorie tot Patriottentijd 5
Nederlandse letterkunde 1: Van Middeleeuwen tot Verlichting, Cultuurwetenschap II 5
Nederlandse Politieke Instituties 10
Nederlandse Politieke Instituties 10
Negotiation and Conflict Management - SEM1 (EN) 5
Negotiation and Mediation 5
Negotiation and Social Decision Making 5
Neolithisation in the Near East 5
Neurobiologische achtergronden van opvoeding en ontwikkeling 6
Neurochemistry 5
Neurocognition 5
Neurolinguistics 5
Neuroscience (Clinical assessment and treatment) 5
New Media & Society 10
New Media and Society: Media philosophy 5
News and Public Opinion in the Dutch Republic 10
Nietzsche's Aesthetics 10
Noordwestsemitische epigrafie 5
Notarial Case Law 5
Notarial Legislation 5
Numerical Recipes for Astrophysics 6
Observational Cosmology 3
Oefenonderzoek 5
Of Witches and Wardrobes: Three Paradoxes of Children's Literature 10
Oil, Waste and Water: Environmental Issues in the Middle East and North Africa 10
Old Church Slavic Language and Culture 10
Old Church Slavic Language and Culture (BA) 5
Old Egyptian 5
On being a Scientist 3
Oncologie 12
Ondernemerschap en psychologie: over het belang van falen om succesvol te kunnen zijn 5
Onderzoekseminar Hoge Raad van Holland en Zeeland 5
Onderzoekspracticum 1 (Pre-master) 8
Onderzoekspracticum 2 7
Ontwerp en synthese 4
Ontwikkelingsbiologie Dier en Plant 6