
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Legitimacy and Political Obligation 10
Lerarenvak Fundamenten (MM) 6
Leren en cognitie 5
Letteratura (anti)eroica: trasformare, adattare, riscrivere 10
Letterkunde: Poésie et théâtre 5
Letterkunde: Roman et philosophie (1500-1800) 5
Letterkunde: Roman, cinéma (de 1800 à nos jours) 5
Levend verleden. Bronnen & Erfgoed van de Afrikaanse Geschiedenis 5
LIAS PhD Seminar: Knowledge and Authority 5
Line Academic Scientific Training Year for International students 2
Lineaire Algebra 1 6
Lineaire Algebra 1 NA 6
Lineaire algebra 2 6
Lineaire Algebra 2 NA 6
Linear & generalized linear models and linear algebra 9
Linear Analysis (BM) 6
Linguistic Fieldwork A 5
Linguistic History of the Middle East 5
Linguistics (research) Thesis 30
Linguistics 1: The Phonetics of English 5
Linguistics 3: The Syntax of English: Present and Past 5
Linguistics 5: English Sentence Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 5A: English Sound Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistique française: Syntaxe du français 5
Literary Texts 1 5
Literary Texts 2 5
Literary Translation 1: The familiar and the foreign 10
Literary Translations 5
Literature 1A: Introduction to Literary Studies in English 10
Literature 1B: The Classical and Christian Legacies in Literatures in English 5
Literature 3A: The American Renaissance, American Literature, 1620-1865 5
Literature 3B: Eighteenth-Century British Literature 5
Literature 5A: American Literature, 1917 to the present 10
Literature 5B: Anglo-American Modernism 10
Literature 5C: Political Shakespeare 10
Literature 5D: Introduction to American film 10
Literature and Culture from the beginning to 1800 5
Literature and Politics in the Persian-speaking World 10
Literature and Politics in the Persian-speaking World (ResMA) 10
Literature and Reconciliation 10
Literature in manuscript and print in the Low Countries 5
Literature in Society: Narrative, Fiction and Voice 10
Literature Study 7
Literature, Research & Validation 3
Literature: Postmodernism and Literature of the 21st Century (Movements 3) 10
Literature: Realism and Symbolism (Movements 1) 5
Literatuur: Historische Avant-garde en Modernisme (Stromingen 2) 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (10 EC) 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (5 EC) 5
Living Histories: Locating Pasts in Southern Asia 5