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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Onderzoek naar Recht in de Samenleving. Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar het recht (5 ec) + mogelijkheid aanvullend deelvak (5 ec) 5
Ordering the universe: Globalization and a changing worldorder in the early modern world 10
Ouderen 11
Peculiar spies? National intelligence cultures in the West 10
Philosophy of Law II 5
Postcommunistische Transities 10
Princes, households, and government: the early modern court 10
Real Property Law 10
Reform of Social Legislation 5
Research Trainee incl. thesis 17
Rhetoric and Law 5
Rule of law and democracy in a (trans)national context 5
Scriptieseminar 5
Selected Bibliography [Capita Selecta] and Bachelor Thesis (5+10 EC) 10 + 5
Seminar Ancient Philosophy/Greek: Plato’s Myths: Philosophical Fiction 5
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk 0
Seminar BA-eindwerkstuk: Nederlandse Taalkunde 0
Seminar Greek: The oligarchic past in fourth-century Athenian literature 5
Seminar Latin: Poetae minores – Fragments 5
Seminar Linguistic Fieldwork B 5
Seminar on Dutch Linguistics: Linguistics and Rhetorics 5
Social engineering and public participation, 1830-1970 10
Social Law, Labour Law and Restructuring 5
Stage - Rechtspraktijk 5/10
Stage Leerproblemen 20
Stage Orthopedagogiek 20
Strategic presentation of argumentation 5
Student Research Project BW 21
Student-assistent onderzoek (participatie in en bijdrage aan facultair wetenschappelijk onderzoek) 5/10
Taxation of Enterprises 10
The fringes of the Enlightenment: ideas of progress and colonial catergoization in Asia, 1700 - 1870 10
The literary field 5
Thesis seminar 0
Thesis Seminar Ancient Near East Studies 0
Thesis Seminar BA ATC 0
Thesis Seminar Philosophy 0
Thesis Tutorial 2 5