
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
An Argumentative Approach to Populism 10
Argumentation in Journalism 5
Bestuurskundig Onderzoek 5
Burgerlijk Procesrecht (Ma) 5
CANCELLED: Child and Education 5
Capita Selecta Company Law 5
Centraal Zenuwstelsel 12
Child and Internet 5
Chronische Aandoeningen 12
Cold Cases 5
Courses MA Linguistics: Linguistics 10/20
Cross-media Journalism Research 5
Didactiek van het Nederlands als tweede taal 10
Effects of (disruptive) technology on administration and management 5
Electives Research Master 30
Ethics (Law) 5
European Tax Law 10
Free Component 10
Gezin en Geneesmiddel 12
Historische letterkunde in de klas 5
In the Dutch mountains: modern travelliterature in and of The Netherlands 10
Infectieziekten en Immunologie 12
Insolventierecht 5
International and European Labour Law 5
Internship Arts and Culture 10
Introduction MPS 5
Juridification 5
Jurisprudence and Civil Law 5
Juvenile Justice 5
Literature and culture in Antwerp (1300-1600) 10
Literature and politics: the case of South-Africa 10
Literatuur en burgerschap. Nederlandse identiteit van de vroegmoderne tijd tot vandaag. Online cursus. 10
MA Scriptieseminar Taalbeheersing 0
Migration and Children Rights 5
New Media and Society: Journalism 5
Optional course obtained at foreign university 5
Organizational Change 5
Political-Administrative Relations 5
Praktijk 2 – Bovenbouw 10
Prestatiemanagement 5
Procedurial Labour Law 5
Profileringsvak: Capita selecta Jeugdrecht 5
Profileringsvak: Strafrechtelijk bewijsrecht 5
Public Values and Ethics 5
Real Property Transfer Tax and Turnover Tax 10
Researching Africa in the 21st Century 10
Seminar Legislative Studies 5
Sentencing & Effects of Sentencing 5
Special administrative law (for students of notary law) 5
Special Criminal Law 5