
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Tutoraat 4
Tutorial (ResMA History) 10
Tutorial Academic Skills 5
Tutorial General History of the Contemporary Time (AGC) 0
Tutorial Introduction Economic and Social History (ESG) 0
Tutorial Introduction Medieval History (MG) 0
Tutorial Labour Law (2) 10
Tutorprogramma basisschool leerlingen 5
Tweede Taal in Afrika 15
Tweedetaalverwerving: de invloed van moedertaal en taalaanleg 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: didactiek en toetsing 5
Uitgeven Anno Nu 5
Understanding Imprisonment: The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Incarceration 5
Underwater Archaeology and Maritime Landscapes 5
United Nations Peacekeeping (PJD) 5
Universalien und Rarissima German in Language Typology MA 10
Universals and rarissima 5/10
Upper Intermediate Turkish 10
Upper-intermediate Persian 10
Urban Archaeology 5
Urban Computing 6
Urban Economics and Planning 5
Urban Environments and Infrastructures 6
Urban Studies 5
Using the Rule of Law to Close Dark Chapters of History? The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina 5
Vakken - XL 1/2
Value Added Tax and Real Estate Transfer Tax 5
Values and Ambitions in Academic Education (cancelled) 5
Values in Music 5
Van basis tot homeostase 8
Veldonderzoek Ecologie 6
Veldonderzoek Flora 6
Veldonderzoek Gedragsbiologie 5
Veldonderzoek Milieubiologie 6
Victims 5
Video Journalism 5
Violence: Existential and Political Perspectives 10
Violent Rebels in International Affairs 10
Visual Analysis II: Art Making Techniques and the Analysis of Objects in the Visual Arts, Architecture and Design 5
Visual Ethnographic Fieldwork 20
Visual History: introduction to visual sources for modern history 5
Visual Methods 10
Vitality and Ageing 5
Vraagstukken Borst en Nier 8
Vraagstukken Buik 8
Vraagstukken Psychisch Functioneren 5
Vrije keuzeruimte (Invulling tweede semester Franse taal en cultuur) 15
Vrije Keuzeruimte / Minor Afrikaanse Talen en Culturen 15
Vrije Keuzeruimte Jaar 3 30
Vrije Keuzeruimte Oude nabije oosten-studies 30