
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Management in International Administrations 5
Managing Innovation 3
Marketing 3
Marketing Analytics 3
Master Class 0
Master Fieldwork / Internship 5
Master Thesis 24
Master Thesis / Graduation Project Applied Archaeology 20
Master Thesis Archaeological Science 20
Master Thesis Global Archaeology 20
Master Thesis Heritage and Museum Studies 20
Master Thesis Public Administration 15
Master Thesis Public Administration 15
Master Thesis Public Administration 15
Master's project 20
Master's Research Project 30
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS & SCS/EDU) 30
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS) 42
Masterlanguage: Kultur und Kritik 10
Material Flow Analysis 6
Memory and trauma in times of Transition 10
Metabolomics 6
Methodologies in the Social Sciences and Humanities 10
Methods and Issues in Human Osteoarchaeology 5
Methods I: Research Seminar Latin American Modernities 10
Methods III: Writing Workshop 5
Methods in Experimental Linguistics 10
Methods in International Relations and European Studies Research 5
Methods of Cultural Analysis and Critical Readings 10
Methods: Putting Theory into Practice 10
Migration And Children's Rights 5
Migration and Development: Globalisation, Livelihoods and Conflicts 5
Mixed and longitudinal modeling 6
Mixed Methods in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ResMa) 10
Modern Astrostatistics 3
Modern Game AI Algorithms 6
Modern Organic Chemistry (MOC) 6
Modern United States Foreign Policy 10
Modernity in Latin America 10
Molecular Aspects of RNA Viruses (MRV) 4
Molecular Electronics 6
MSc Research Project 38
Multimedia Information Retrieval 6
Museum Matters II: Curating Collections 10
Muslims in a Global Context: Anthropological Approaches 10
Muslims in a Global Context: Anthropological Approaches (ResMA) 10
Needs Based Assessment at School 5
Negotiation and Social Decision Making 5
Neoliberalism and Illegality: Flows, Commodities, Locations 10
Neuro-economics of Conflict and Cooperation 5