
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
International Tax Law II 10
Internship Air & Space Law 4
IP Copyright Law 5
IP Patent Law 5
IP Trademarks and Tradenames 5
Jurisprudence and Civil Law 5
Jurisprudence and Penal Law 5
Jurisprudence and Public International Law 5
Jurisprudence and Public Law 5
Juvenile Justice 5
Law, Politics & Society 5
Legal Profession and Ethics 5
Legal Writing, Advocacy and Litigation Techniques 5
Liability of Public Authorities 5
Macro- and Monetary Economics and Policy 5
Media Law and the Information Society 5
Mergers and Acquistions 5
Migration and Children Rights 5
Moot Court Competition 3
Negotiation and Mediation 5
Optional course obtained at foreign university 5
Organizations for Law Enforcement 5
Pension Law and Social Security Law 5
Personal and Corporate Income Tax 10
Philosophy of Criminal Law in a Contemporary Perspective 5
Principles of International Law and International Dispute Settlement 10
Procedurial Labour Law 5
Profileringsvak: Bijzondere delicten 5
Profileringsvak: Capita selecta Jeugdrecht 5
Profileringsvak: Strafrechtelijk bewijsrecht 5
Public Air Law 6
Public Air Law Blended Learning 6
Public International Law (master) 10
Public International Law: Capita Selecta I 10
Public International Law: Capita Selecta II 5
Real Property Transfer Tax and Turnover Tax 10
Research Proposal 5
Safety Policy 10
Seminar Legislative Studies 5
Sentencing & Effects of Sentencing 5
Space Law & Policy: Case Studies 2
Special administrative law (for students of notary law) 5
Special Criminal Law 5
Specialised Course: Environmental Law 5
Specialised Course: Regional government and decentralization 5
Specialised Course: Value Added Tax 5/6
Specialized Course: Immigration law 5
Tax Management 5
Tax Policy Analysis 5
Tax Treaties 5