
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Ottoman Turkish 2 5
Ouderen 11
Oudhoogduits 5
Palmtrees, sulphur and rebels. Life at the Dead Sea in Antiquity 10
Paragone: conflict en samenwerking tussen woord en beeld 10
Patiënt en Apotheker 11
Peculiar spies? National intelligence cultures in the West 10
Pedagogiek 5
Pedagogiek (ICLON) 5
People and Organizations 5
Personal and Professional Impact for CA-DS 5
Personalisering van de Politiek (in Nederland) 10
Personen-, familie- en erfrecht 5
Perspectives in the Study and Professional Practice of Art History 5
Philosophers of Dialogue: Levinas, Buber and Rosenzweig 10
Philosophy of Law I 5
Philosophy of Law II 5
Philosophy of Science (LAW) 5
Physical Transport Phenomena (FTV) 6
Physics Experiments 3 2
Physiological Chemistry 6
Political debate: theory and practice 5
Politics and Culture 10
Politics in the Roman Republic (367-27 BC) 10
Politieke Psychologie 5
Postcommunistische Transities 10
Practice of empirical research 5
Practicum Biofarmacie en -fysica 4
Practicum Child Law 10
Practicum Financial Law 10
Practicum Ontwerp en synthese 2
Practicum: Civil Law 10
Practicum: Corporate Litigation 5
Practicum: Criminal Law Enforcement and Procedure 10
Practicum: History of Legal and Moral Philosophy (subject to changes) 10
Practicum: Private Practice 10
Praktische pedagogiek: het vertalen van wetenschap naar praktijk 5
Pre-master onderzoeksproject 10
Prevention and Punishment 5
Princes, households, and government: the early modern court 10
Private International Law 5
Private international law (notarial law) 5
Privatissimum children’s rights 10
Privatissimum Financial Law 10
Privatissimum Ondernemingsrecht 10
Privatissimum: Civil Law 10
Privatissimum: Criminal Law and Procedure 10
Privatissimum: Legal Methodology 10
Program Correctness 6
Programming in Python (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3