
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
A) Specialised Course: Contract of Employment 5
Acute en Intensieve Zorg 12
An Argumentative Approach to Populism 10
Argumentation in Journalism 5
Behaviour and Interaction in Organizations 5
Bestuurskundig Onderzoek 5
Burgerlijk Procesrecht (Ma) 5
CANCELLED: Child and Education 5
Capita Selecta Company Law 5
Centraal Zenuwstelsel 12
Child and Internet 5
Child Protection and Youth Care 5
Children’s Rights 5
Chronische Aandoeningen 12
Clinical adolescent studies (Clinical assessment and treatment) 5
Clinical Assessment and Treatment: The autism spectrum disorders 5
Clinical skills (Clinical assessment and treatment) 5
Cold Cases 5
Company Law and Corporate Groups 10
Contract of Employment 5
Courses MA Linguistics: Linguistics 10/20
Crime Analysis 5
Criminalistics 10
Cross-media Journalism Research 5
Cultural use of dialogue in Dutch literature and language 10
Diagnostiek en behandeling: theorie in praktijk 5
Didactiek van het Nederlands als tweede taal 10
Dutch and European Financial Law 10
E) Tender Law 5
Effects of (disruptive) technology on administration and management 5
Electives Research Master 30
Enforcement strategies 10
Ethics (Law) 5
Ethics in Quality Control Practices 1
European Criminal Law 5
European Tax Law 10
F) Specialised Course: Rent Law 5
Factchecken 5
Family Law and the position of minors 5
Forensic Accountancy 5
Forensic Psychiatry 10
Forensische gezinspedagogiek: ontwikkelingspsychopathologie en diagnostiek 5
Free Component 10
Gezin en Geneesmiddel 12
H) Specialized course Civil Family Law 5
Historical sociolinguistics: the language of Leiden 10
Historische letterkunde in de klas 5
Human Resource Management 5
ILS - Labour Law in the Enterprise 5
ILS - Ondernemings- en insolventierecht 5