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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
History and Culture of Modern Turkey 5
History and Theory of International Norms and Institutions 5
History of Contemporary Music Composition 2
History of European Expansion in Global Context 5
History of European Integration 5
History of European Property Law 5
History of European Public Law 5
History of Russia 5
History of the human lineage 6
History of the Russian Language 10
Holocaust Icons in Arts, Film and Literature (minor) 5
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Classes (zie voorbeelden van interessante bèta classes in de tekst) 5
Honours College FSW Science & Society Conference 1
Honours Internship 5
Honours Lectures 5
Hormones and the Nervous System 10
How To Start My Master 1
How to Write a Research Proposal 2
Human Computer Interaction & Information Visualization 6
Human Pathology 7
Human Rights Protection in Europe 5
Human Security: Food Security 5
Human Security: Poverty 5
Human Trafficking from a legal, policy-oriented and social science perspective 5
Humanitarian Intervention and Peacebuilding 5
Humanitarianism and Sea Power. Justice and discipline aboard (1780-1880) 10
Identity Shopping in the Roman Empire: Debates around Romanization, Globalization and Acculturation 10
Identity, Social Masks and Latin American Literature 5
IFMSA International Lab Orientation 8
iGEM 2019 18
Imagining South Asia, c.1500-1980 10
Immigration Law 5
Immigration, integration and discrimination 5
Immunobiologie 3
Immunotherapy of Cancer 15
Individual Income Taxation 10
Individual Internship (NGO, Museum, etc.) 20
Individual project 5
Indo-European linguistics II 10
Indo-European Morphology 10
Indonesian 3 10
Indonesian 4 10
Indonesian 5 10
Indonesian in Practice 5
Inequality and Political Representation 10
Infections in Health and Disease 15
Infectious Agents and Immunity 6
Information Visualization and the Humanities 5